Thursday 27 July 2017

Secure Forex Saifabad

Procurando especialistas similares como Secure Holidays Selecione a cidade. 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Localizado nas margens do rio Musi e no Planalto Deccan. Hyderabad e Secunderabad são cidades gêmeas perto do Lago Hussain Sagar (também conhecido como Tank Bund em linguagem local), mas ambas as cidades cresceram tanto que agora se tornaram uma grande metrópole. A cidade e distrito de Hyderabad são coterminous. O distrito de Hyderabad está totalmente contido no distrito de Telangana, em Ranga Reddy. Muitos dos subúrbios de Hyderabad foram recentemente fundidos na cidade, agora chamado de Grande Hyderabad. Uma cidade rica em história e tradição, Hyderabad agora compete com Bangalore e Chennai para a capital da TI da Coroa das Índias A Microsoft e o Google têm sua sede na Índia aqui. Distritos editam A cidade de Hyderabad Muitos visitantes nunca passam as atrações da Cidade Velha, mas você nunca viu Hyderabad até se aventurar nos bairros. A cidade é dividida em norte, oeste, leste e sul do distrito central. Existem diferenças de cultura visíveis em toda a cidade. Distritos da Zona Central de Hyderabad (King Kothi, Abids, Lakdikapul, Mehdipatnam, Tolichowki, Banjara Hills, Jubilee Hills, Ameerpet, Punjagutta, Himayat Nagar, Kacheguda, Narayanguda, Chikkadpally e Nallakunta). O centro de Hyderabad tem bairros de luxo, juntamente com vários locais De entretenimento e de jantar. Há muito para ver e fazer também. Zona Sul (Charminar, Patthargatti, Afzalgunj, Shalibanda, Falaknuma, Dabirpura, Yakutpura e Purani Haveli). Aqui é onde a maioria dos locais históricos famosos de Hyderabads são. Também chamado de Cidade Velha ou Purana Shahr, a Zona Sul é o lar de Hyderabads, a experiência de compras mais animada e autêntica. O Taj Falaknuma, antigo palácio agora convertido em um hotel de luxo, está na Zona Sul. Zona Norte (Begumpet, Secunderabad, Malkajgiri, Trimulghery, Alwal e Kundanbagh.) A Zona Norte é a antiga área de Cantonamento Britânico de Secunderabad. Completamente diferente da Zona Sul, esta zona é muito mais limpa e organizada do que a anterior. Zona Oeste (Kukkatpally, Miyapur, Bharat Nagar, Gacchibowli, Nanakramguda e HITEC City.) Este é o lar do CBD mais novo de Hyderabad. Se você estiver em Hyderabad para uma viagem de negócios, é mais provável que você acabe aqui. Zona Leste (Uppal, Kapra, Dilsukhnagar, LB Nagar, Gaddiannaram e Saroornagar). Início de muitos institutos educacionais, esta região será a primeira a ver uma linha de Metro percorrida. Compreenda editar Se você estiver viajando para Hyderabad no negócio 8212, como é cada vez mais o caso, agora é fácil perder o Hyderabad, de 400 anos de idade. A cidade que imediatamente atinge o olho é uma metrópole alastrando de shoppings e prédios de escritórios com fachadas de vidro. Toda a cidade parece estar em construção ou renovação e as estradas estão atoladas porque as rodovias estão sendo construídas. É uma cidade magnífica em muitos sentidos. A cidade velha que já foi o assento do Nizam, o governante do maior e mais opulento estado principesco, e a cidade gêmea de Secunderabad onde os britânicos mantiveram um acantonamento para manter o exército a uma distância impressionante do Nizam só podem ser vistos Se você demorar o tempo para vê-los. Hyderabads muitos epítetos incluem a Cidade das Pérolas. A cidade de Nawabs. A cidade de Biryani e, devido ao seu desenho de alta tecnologia, a Cyberabad. História editar Em 1463, Quli Qutb-ul-Mulk estabeleceu a fortaleza de Golconda a cerca de 8 km a oeste da cidade antiga de Hyderabads. Ele sofreu rebelião na região de Telangana e foi nomeado subdiretor. Ou administrador da região como resultado. Em 1518, ele se tornou independente do sultão Bahmani, declarou-se o sultão sob o nome de Quli Qutb Shah e estabeleceu a dinastia Qutb Shahi. Em 1589, Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah. Um neto de Quli Qutb Shah, tomou a decisão de transferir sua capital do forte de Golconda para a localização atual de Hyderabad devido a escassez de água no antigo local. Em 1591, ele ordenou a construção do Charminar, alegadamente em gratidão a Deus por cortar uma epidemia de peste antes que pudesse causar muito dano. O nome de Hyderabad teria suas origens em um caso entre Mohammad Quli Qutb Shah e uma cortesã telugu local chamada Bhagmati. Ele nomeou a cidade Bhagyanagar depois dela, e depois de se converter ao Islã e assumiu o nome de Hyder Mahal, ele nomeou a cidade de Hyderabad. Hyderabad foi construído em um plano de grade com a ajuda de arquitetos iranianos. O viajante francês Jean-Baptiste Tavernier comparou favoravelmente Hyderabad com Orleans. A dinastia Qutb Shahi durou até 1687, quando o imperador Mughal Aurangzeb derrotou o sultanato e assumiu Hyderabad. Ele nomeou seu governador como governante da região e concedeu-lhe o título de Nizam-ul-Mulk. No entanto, o governo Mughal foi de curta duração e em 1724, o Nizam Asaf Jah ganhei a independência de um império Mughal em declínio. A lenda diz que, enquanto estava em uma expedição de caça, conheceu um homem santo que lhe ofereceu alguns kulchas e pediu-lhe para comer o máximo que pudesse. Asaf Jah comeu apenas sete, e o santo profetizou que sua dinastia duraria sete gerações. Com certeza, o sétimo governante da dinastia foi o último. Em homenagem à lenda, a bandeira dos Nizams apresentou um kulcha. Por volta de 1763, Asif Jah II, derrotado pelos Marathas e ameaçado por Tipu Sultan de Mysore. Entrou em uma aliança subsidiária com um britânico. O estado de Hyderabad tornou-se um estado principesco, protegido por e sob a soberania dos britânicos. Os britânicos mantiveram seu exército nas proximidades de Secunderabad para proteger o Nizam e garantir que ele não fizesse nenhum prejuízo. O estado de Hyderabad foi o mais rico do país e na revista Time da década de 1930 classificou o Nizam como o homem mais rico do mundo. Em 1947, com a independência das Índias, o sétimo Nizam estava relutante em ceder seu principado à Índia recém-independente, preferindo o Paquistão. A Índia enviou suas tropas e a profecia de 200 anos foi cumprida. Em 17 de setembro de 1948, foi incorporada à Índia. Hyderabad tornou-se a capital do estado de Hyderabad até 1º de novembro de 1956. Após a fusão forçada do estado de Hyderabad com o estado de Andhra e formou o novo estado linguístico de Andhra Pradesh em 1º de novembro de 1956. Assim, Hyderabad tornou-se a capital do recém formado estado de Andhra Pradesh. Os edifícios administrativos das novas capitais estavam localizados em torno do Lago Hussain Sagar. Aproximadamente entre Secunderabad e a cidade velha, quando a cidade de Nizams chegou a ser chamada. Em 1995, Chandrababu Naidu tornou-se ministro-chefe da Andhra Pradesh. Entre suas principais políticas, havia uma grande iniciativa para transformar a cidade em um centro de TI. Ele limpou as ruas, estabeleceu parques de TI e fez muito para atrair empresas de tecnologia para a cidade. Hoje, como a infra-estrutura de Bangalores é sufocada pelo crescimento rápido da cidade, as ruas bem planejadas de Hyderabads estão provando ser uma atração importante para empresas de software e TI. O enclave de tecnologia de Madhapur foi oficialmente nomeado Hi tec city, e Cyberabad é comumente usado como um nome alternativo para Hyderabad. Em 2007, os subúrbios de Hyderabad foram fundidos com a cidade para formar o Grande Hyderabad. Em 2009, a demanda de longa data para que Telangana criou como um estado separado chegou a ferver, com agitações de baixa intensidade e distúrbios agitando Hyderabad. Enquanto o viajante não precisa se preocupar muito (veja a seção de segurança segura para mais), ele questiona o status futuro de Hyderabads, pois Telangana inclui a cidade de Hyderabad. A cidade de Hyderabad Orientação editar A melhor maneira de orientar-se a Hyderabad é pensar com referência a dois corpos de água - o rio Musi e o lago Hussain Sagar. O rio Musi flui do oeste para o leste, a poucos quilômetros ao sul do lago Hussain Sagar. A cidade velha encontra-se principalmente na margem sul do Musi, embora este guia trate a Golkonda. Que fica na margem norte, como parte da cidade velha. A maioria das atrações históricas, incluindo a mentira de Charminar neste banco. Mapa da Cidade Velha, Hyderabad Secunderabad fica a nordeste do lago Hussain Sagar. Isso tem historicamente sido um acantonamento militar, o que significa que as estradas são melhor mantidas e mais amplas. Possui bons parques, espaços abertos e alguns excelentes restaurantes. A cidade nova. Que contém os escritórios administrativos de Andhra Pradesh fica na margem norte do Musi, a leste e sudeste de Hussain Sagar. Punjagutta a Gachibowli é uma vasta região a oeste e noroeste de Hussain Sagar, na margem norte do Musi. Isso se desenvolveu nos últimos vinte anos. Áreas de interesse aqui são Punjagutta e Ameerpet, que são enormes áreas comerciais. Banjara Hills e Jubilee Hills é onde Hyderabads swish set vive e contém alguns bons parques e restaurantes. O recém-desenvolvido Hi tec city e Gachibowli estão a 9 km a oeste da nova cidade. É aí que a maioria das empresas de tecnologia e negócio de terceirização de processos (BPO) têm seus campi. Cultura e atitudes editam Em muitos sentidos, Hyderabad é o local de encontro entre o norte e o sul da Índia. A cidade tem uma cultura que é distinta do resto de Andhra Pradesh, mostrando influências islâmicas e uma presença cortesana transmitida desde seu período como a capital do Nizamate. Isso é mais evidente na cidade velha. A nova cidade se assemelha a muitas capitais de estados provinciais na Índia. Secunderabad é mais cosmopolita, já que a área de Cantonment está localizada nesta parte da cidade. Devido a um recente afluxo de homens e mulheres jovens de várias partes do país para melhores oportunidades de emprego, a cultura e as atitudes de Hyderabads deram uma volta à modernidade. No entanto, é bom ter em mente que a cidade ainda é um lugar profundamente conservador e se vestir adequadamente, especialmente na cidade velha. Note que as pessoas têm uma atitude muito indiferente em relação ao tempo e uma atitude muito tranquila. Clima editar Como muitas cidades indianas, Hyderabad tem um clima tropical. O melhor momento para visitar a cidade é de meados de novembro a meados de fevereiro. As temperaturas são suaves com sol abundante durante este período e a temperatura média de um mínimo de 15C (59F) a uma alta de 29C (85F). De março a junho é quente e seco com tempestades ocasionais. Os altos podem chegar a 45C (113F) ou mais e a falta de ar condicionado pode fazer com que ele se sinta muito desconfortável. Julho, agosto, setembro e outubro podem ser bastante quentes e os sistemas húmidos e de baixa pressão da baía de Bengala durante a estação das monções podem causar fortes chuvas por dias. Discussão edite Telugu (a língua estadual de Andhra Pradesh e uma das Índias, seis línguas clássicas vivas) e Urdu são amplamente faladas em Hyderabad, e as pessoas mais educadas falam Telugu, Urdu, Hindi e Inglês. Os sinais ingleses são comuns. A cidade é um dos principais lugares onde o Urdu se desenvolveu e o dialecto falado principalmente pela grande população muçulmana é conhecido como Deccani Urdu ou Urdu do Dakhani (que ambos traduzem para o Urdu do Deccan). Por causa da influência do urdu, um dialeto do hindi também é falado na cidade e seu francoista hindi ainda pode ser útil. Editar Hyderabad está bem conectado a todas as partes do país por via aérea, ferroviária e rodoviária. Por avião, edite Hyderabads, o novo Aeroporto Internacional de Rajiv Gandhi (IATA. HYD) 1 está localizado a 22 km da cidade. Observe que o antigo aeroporto da Begumpet está fechado, exceto pelo uso de VIPs. O aeroporto elegante e bem organizado é uma das melhores instalações de aviação da Índia. A autoestrada elevada 2 para o aeroporto está aberta e leva 20 minutos. A conectividade internacional direta da Hyderabad está disponível para muitos países. As companhias aéreas internacionais que operam a partir de Hyderabad são a Air India, British Airways, Emirates, Malaysia Airlines, Air Asia, Oman Air, Qatar Airways, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Silk Air, Etihad Airways e Thai Airways. A conectividade doméstica é excelente, com as companhias aéreas indianas operando a partir daqui, incluindo a Air India, a Air India Express, a Indian Airlines, a Indigo Airlines, a Jet Airways, a JetLite, a Trujet e a SpiceJet. (Kingfisher está agora extinto e Trujet é novo) Uma vez que você chega no aeroporto de Hyderabad, uma opção é levar os ônibus com ar-condicionado administrados pelo aeroporto (Pushpak) 3 para vários pontos designados na cidade, como (1) Begumpet ( Paryatak Bhavan) (2) Secunderabad (Keyes High School) (3) Hi-Tec City (Opposite Shilparamam) a preços variando entre Rs 150 e Rs. 250 com base na distância de viagem e dois pontos designados na cidade (4) Charminar (City College) (5) Mehdipatnam (Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital). Os ônibus têm uma frequência de ônibus a cada 30 minutos das 3h30 às 11h e todas as horas à meia-noite, 1AM, 2AM e 3AM e o tempo de viagem varia de 45 minutos a 2 horas, dependendo da hora do dia e das condições do trânsito. Você pode alcançar os pontos designados e depois pegar um táxi automático ou medido a partir daí. (Tarifas atualizadas e tempo de viagem) Em alternativa, você pode contratar táxis de rádio com ar com medidor a partir de Rs 40 para os primeiros 2 km (veja Seção de volta) Skycabs e Meru são aprovados pelo aeroporto 21 Rskm e estão disponíveis logo após sair edifício do terminal. Para o resto, você precisa ligar e reservar com um tempo de execução de 15 minutos a 1 hora. Estes táxis cobram 25 sobretas na noite (ou seja, Rs 26,25 por km entre 2300 e 0500 horas). O contador da polícia de trânsito de Hyderabad está no piso térreo com táxis pré-pagos. Cuidado com os passeios de solicitação de táxi na área de saudação do aeroporto, eles podem tentar incomodar você em taxas exorbitantes (especialmente no caso de não locais). A Polícia de Tráfego de Hyderabad se associou com as autoridades do Aeroporto para administrar um balcão para táxis pré-pagos. Esta é uma opção segura, com todos os táxis registrados na polícia. A polícia também administra um serviço de táxi SHE agora, especialmente para mulheres viajantes, com motoristas e equipamentos de segurança, como um GPS conectado à sala de controle da polícia. Um também pode contratar um táxi de vários serviços baseados em aplicativos, como Uber ou Ola, Cujas tarifas estão disponíveis nos aplicativos e seus sites (Por favor, tenha em mente que, enquanto estes serviços são substancialmente mais baratos do que os táxis de rádio, eles cobrarão Rs. 200, além da tarifa como taxas de estacionamento cobradas pelo aeroporto). Esta opção é a melhor enquanto viaja para o aeroporto, já que as tarifas de estacionamento não se aplicam a partidas. (Novas iniciativas adicionais) Os carros alugados também estão disponíveis em um estande antes de sair do aeroporto. Isto dá-lhe a vantagem de pagar antecipadamente, evitando qualquer desacordo sobre o preço. O aeroporto pode ser contatado no seu (número gratuito para assinantes do BSNLMTNL) número 1 800 419-2008 para todos os serviços e consultas, incluindo informações de partida de chegadas, instalações, transporte Disponibilidade, etc. Por trem editar Indian Railways 4 tem serviço para Hyderabad de toda a Índia. Existem três estações ferroviárias principais que atendem as cidades gêmeas: Secunderabad. Hyderabad. E Kachiguda e uma estação menor em Begumpet. A maioria dos trens com destino a Índia do Sul e Índia do Norte é originário de Hyderabad e saia via Secunderabad. A estação de decapagem de Hyderabad é popularmente conhecida como Nampally Station. Encontre todos os trens para Hyderabad - trainspystaticstation (SC) SECUNDERABAD-JN Por carro editar Hyderabad está bem conectado a outros grandes metros por estrada. Bangalore está conectado por NH7 e está a uma distância de 560 km. A cidade fica a 752 km de Chennai (usando as rodovias NH9 e NH5) ea 800 km de Mumbai (NH9 até Pune e a via expressa para Mumbai). A seção Bangalore Hyderabad faz parte do corredor norte-norte que está sendo atualizado para uma pista de quatro estrada dividida. Em ônibus, editar Hyderabad está bem conectado a todas as partes do Telangana e a maioria das partes do Sul e do Oeste da Índia. Tanto o governo estadual quanto os ônibus privados operam grande número de serviços de luxo e comuns em todo o estado e estados vizinhos. JBS. (Estação de ônibus Jubilee), está em Secunderabad. TSRTC executa treinadores AC diretos para Mumbai, Bengaluru (Bangalore) e Chennai. O turismo Telangana dirige treinadores AC, Mumbai, Chennai e Bengaluru. Você deve reservar os bilhetes com antecedência. Existem muitos portais de passagens de ônibus online para reservar bilhetes de ônibus. Mybustickets é um desses portais. MGBS ou Imliban. É dito ser a maior estação de ônibus do mundo com cerca de 84 baías de ônibus lado a lado. O TSRTC possui pontos de retirada e descida de vários pontos da cidade. Além disso, os serviços de ônibus administrados pelo governo de estados vizinhos também dirigem ônibus para Hyderabad, assim como várias empresas privadas. Autocarros privados. O sul da Índia é amplamente bem servido por operadores organizados de ônibus privados. Eles executam ônibus de luxo como os ônibus Volvo, Mercedes, Kinglong Cerita, incluindo ônibus de eixo múltiplo. Estes são serviços de ar condicionado, semi-cama ou dorminhoco com instalações de reserva de bilhetes online. Importantes centros de viagens particulares são KPHB Colony, Lakdi-Ka-Pool, Paradise Center em Secunderabad e Dilsukh Nagar. Os serviços de luxo correm para muitas cidades a partir desses lugares. As áreas não-metropolitanas e as cidades são muitas vezes conectadas por ônibus não-AC, mas ainda possuem assentos confortáveis. Pode ser difícil encontrar ônibus diretos do norte da Índia devido ao tamanho grande dessa parte do país. Transforme-se Editar Há muitas maneiras de se locomover em Hyderabad. Possui bom serviço de ônibus, bom serviço de autorickshaw (embora nunca cobram por metro e sempre com preços excessivos, tornando os táxis mais baratos) e serviços de Rádio Radio bem desenvolvidos, bem como novos serviços baseados em aplicativos, como Uber e Ola. Existe também um serviço de trem local, mas é grosseiramente inadequado e pouco confiável. É aconselhável que os viajantes que usam smartphones baixem a polícia de Hyderabad e os aplicativos da polícia de trânsito de Hyderabad da loja de aplicativos, pois estes possuem alguns recursos de segurança, como o botão SOS e a sala de controle, bem como opções para apresentar queixas. Em ônibus, editar Hyderabad tem uma boa conectividade de ônibus local e é administrado pelo TSRTC 5. uma empresa de propriedade do governo estadual. A maioria dos ônibus interurbanos começa e termina no terminal de ônibus Mahatma Gandhi mais comumente conhecido como Imlibun, e existem vários depósitos onde os ônibus de serviços da cidade começam e terminam. Pode-se usar mapas do Google para planejar viagens de ônibus. Existem cinco categorias de ônibus (ordinário, Metro Express, Metro Deluxe, AC, Volvo AC). Os Volvo Buses são os mais confortáveis, com tarifas a partir de Rs. 35. Também há passes mensais de Rs. 2100 que permitem que alguém viaje em qualquer lugar qualquer número de vezes por qualquer serviço em toda a cidade). Outros ônibus tendem a ficar extremamente superlotados e viajar no footboard de um ônibus é muito comum. As rotas exibidas nos ônibus normalmente são exibidas em pelo menos duas línguas, uma das quais é o inglês. A melhor maneira de chegar a uma localização em ônibus seria chegar a uma parada de ônibus e pedir às pessoas que esperam lá. Você também pode entrar em um ônibus em sua direção e pedir ajuda ao condutor. Por autorickshaw, editar Autorickshaws em Hyderabad deve ser medido, embora possa ser difícil para os não-locais e moradores locais encontrar um driver de autorickshaw que tenha concordado com uma tarifa medida. (Isto é especialmente verdadeiro ao receber um auto na frente de um hotel de 5 estrelas, perto de stands de ônibus, estações ferroviárias e perto da área Hi-Tech.) No entanto, a polícia de trânsito é muito útil e ajudará a engajar um Auto com tarifa medida. Autos pode transportar um máximo de 3 passageiros, excluindo o motorista, mas é comum achar que eles estão sobrecarregados para transportar até seis passageiros quando um deles. A tarifa mínima é Rs 20 que cobre os primeiros 1,6 km. Cada km adicionais é outro Rs 11. As taxas de espera são para Rs. 30 por hora. Há também 4 vagões de Maxi vendidos de 4 lugares e 8 lugares disponíveis de um lado para o outro para uma localização principal da cidade nessa direção. As tarifas são principalmente 2 rúpias mais do que as tarifas de ônibus, mas são muito mais confortáveis ​​e rápidas para curtas distâncias de até 5 km. Corrija a tarifa antes de entrar no autorickshaw. Auto Drivers em Hyderabad são um pesadelo e são absolutamente não cooperativos. Encontrar uma agulha em um palheiro é mais fácil do que encontrar um motorista automático que concorda em passar pela taxa medida com uma desculpa comum de que seu medidor não está funcionando. Eles sempre exigem uma tarifa muito maior mesmo que a tarifa tenha sido aumentada de tempos em tempos. É aconselhável manter mudanças extras com você, já que a maioria dos drivers automáticos afirmam que eles não têm mudança, mesmo que tenham. Se você tiver uma escolha, escolha sempre uma Cabine Pré-paga. A condução imprudente e os acidentes são muito comuns aqui, como é o caso da maioria das cidades desta parte do mundo. A maioria dos drivers automáticos quer que você faça compras na loja de pérolas (que eles afirmam serem autorizadas pelo governo). Em troca de menos tarifa, eles estão bem, se você não comprar nada dessas lojas, fique sentado por 10 minutos. Eles são encorajados com incentivos para levar os clientes a essas lojas. As lojas de pérolas são notórias por táticas de vendas persuasivas e eles não vão deixar você sair facilmente. Então, pague a tarifa completa aos drivers automáticos em vez de ser desviado para uma loja de pérolas. Os motoristas automáticos recebem algum por cento das taxas de entrada (em torno de Rs. 10-) se eles o levarem para os lugares como Chowmoholla Palace ou Salarjung museum gratuitamente. Se você estiver em torno dessas áreas, entre em algum automóvel em vez de caminhar e pedir-lhes para deixá-lo lá. Também em muitas partes da cidade, é fácil encontrar um auto-funcionamento compartilhado, apenas chegue ao ponto de ônibus mais próximo e pergunte aos locais para um auto compartilhado, eles devem facilmente guiá-lo. Se você vê um auto-rikshaw sobrecarregado, é um compartilhado e você só precisa acenar no próximo menos povoado. Os drivers automáticos em Hyderabad são drivers especialmente imprudentes. Melhor reservar um táxi do que tirar um Auto, mesmo a um preço mais elevado, pelo conforto e proteção do ar da poluição, bem como pelo alívio das palhaçadas do Auto wallahs. Existem também auto-drivers exemplares, mas, infelizmente, os outros superam em número até agora. Por taxi edit, é melhor usar novos táxis baseados em aplicativos, como Ola e Uber, que garantem o serviço e drivers cortês. No entanto, tem havido casos de mau comportamento por motoristas de táxi (embora poucos) e é aconselhável para nós o aplicativo da polícia de Hyderabad e digite os detalhes do táxi em que você está entrando, para estar seguro. As tarifas para estes começam em Rs. 6 por km e Rs. 1 por minuto de tempo de viagem. (Ola Micro). A disponibilidade é muito boa em locais ocupados, e a maioria dos aplicativos possui recursos de rastreamento, além de recursos SOS. Os taxis de medição de rádio estão disponíveis, mas eles não podem ser aclamados pela rua. É preciso chamar seu call center centralizado e reservar o serviço. O serviço é muito bom, especialmente se você reserva para distâncias mais longas. Pode ser quase impossível conseguir um táxi de rádio sem reserva prévia, uma vez que a demanda supera o suprimento. Todas as cabinas com medidores possuem medidores digitais que mostram a distância e a tarifa. Operadores que oferecem taxis com medidor em Rs 10 por km (a maioria deles está cobrando Rs 12 por km por uma Indica, Rs 10 continua no caso de Maruti Omni) com uma carga mínima de Rs 80 na maioria dos casos. Muitos serviços de táxi preferem não reservar viagens que são apenas uma curta distância. No entanto, cobrindo toda a cidade com tantos locais de turismo, será caro em um CAB, enquanto a contratação de um Full Day Taxi Car é sugerida, o que normalmente cobra uma base de 8 h ou 80 kms Global Tourism Promotions 91 9440082627 oferece toda a gama de carros, ônibus Veículos AC e não-AC - Tata Indica, Toyota Innova, Tavera, ônibus de 12 lugares para 49 ônibus, para indivíduos e grupos, cobertura da cidade. SLN Cabs 91 81217744338801003000 slncabs oferece táxis em Rs. 12- por Km. A tarifa detalhada dos táxis Sln Hyderabad pode ser visualizada no site. Skycabs 91 40 49494949 oferece táxis em Rs. 40- para os dois primeiros Kms e Rs. 18 por Km depois disso. Yellow Taxi160: Para reservas: 91 40 48 48 48 48 e 91 40 44004400 email: bookingsyellowtaxi. in OU visite: yellowtaxi. in. Oferece City Tours, pacotes horários, viagens de exploração externa, etc. A frota inclui Economia, Sedãs e SUV (Veículos utilitários esportivos) Yellow Cabs: 91 40 6690 6690 91 40 47 47 47 47 yellowcabshyd Taxas mínimas: por hora, Rs.280- por 20 Kms . Oferece táxis em Rs. 12- por Km. A tarifa detalhada da Yellow Cabs Hyderabad pode ser visualizada no site. Todos os tipos de carros disponíveis. Meru Cabs 91 40 44224422 oferece táxis em Rs. 40- para os dois primeiros Kms e Rs. 18 por Km depois disso. Green Cabs 91 40 24606060 greencab. co. in oferece táxis em Rs. 12- por Km. A tarifa detalhada da Green Cabs Hyderabad pode ser visualizada no site. Táxis de Hyderabad 91 40 2000-5000 Táxis de ponta 91 40 24242424 oferece táxis em duas variantes, cada uma com tarifas ponto a ponto e tarifas medidas. A tarifa detalhada pode ser visualizada em 6 As duas variantes são: i. Sedan (geralmente Renault Logan) ii. Carro familiar (Toyota Innova) Airport Cabs Hyderabad. 91 40 2233 2233 91 9493 777 111 airportcabshyd Taxas mínimas: por hora, Rs.250- por 20 Kms. Táxis de Outstation em Rs. 8- por Km. Para as melhores ofertas e tarifas da Airport Cabs Hyderabad, visite nosso site. Nota160: O táxi será organizado para viajar em Hyderabad com em 20 minutos e para 40 mint. De comboio, mestre MMTS Trens Locais Os trens locais denominados MMTS estão disponíveis, embora apenas para alguns lugares em Hyderabad, a frequência varia de 10 a 30 minutos, exceto durante o dia e os domingos, quando há menos trens. É uma maneira rápida de viajar para as poucas estações que cobre, e a opção mais barata também. Se você planeja viajar através do MMTS, confira o cronograma no site MMTS Train Timings. 7. Se você é viajante estrangeiro é aconselhável tomar a primeira classe. A classe geral tende a ficar superlotada e você nunca pode encontrar um assento em estações intermediárias. Se você tem que pegar um trem, não confie no cronograma do MMTS, pois raramente é seguido e, geralmente, os trens tardios também podem ser cancelados sem aviso prévio. Passes diários e mensais também estão disponíveis nas estações do MMTS. De acordo com o carro, a Hyderabad não possui um sistema de via expressa, levando a engarrafamentos durante o horário de pico. No entanto, uma rodovia Ringway Roadway de 160 km está em construção. Conduzir é emocionante em Hyderabad, não muito diferente do resto da Índia. Você encontra ciclos, motocicletas, rickshaw, carrinhos de mão, automóveis, compartilha automóveis, mini caminhões, ônibus, ônibus de vestíbulo, de dois andares, Volvos se empurram junto. Existem longos trechos de estradas que atravessam áreas densamente povoadas que não possuem pausas medianas, de modo que veículos, incluindo motos e carros, simplesmente dirigem no lado errado da estrada. Várias vozes modernas agora ligam as estradas arteriais. Várias agências de aluguel de carros estão disponíveis no Aeroporto Internacional Rajiv Gandhi também nas seguintes localidades. Gozocabs (Gozocabs), 09051877000 (infogozocabs), 9. 247. 160edit BookCab (bookcab), 080 3000 3000 (bookingsbookcab. in), 10. 247. 160edit Orçamento. Parcela número 902, Road Number 46, Jubilee Hills. 91 44 2355 8807 (customer. servicebudgetrentacar. co. in. Fax. 91 40 23558809), 11. 24 hr. O aluguel de carros do orçamento também está disponível no Aeroporto Internacional Rajiv Ghandi e no Hampshire Plaza Hotel 160edit Avis. Hotel Marriot Hyderabad, Tank Bund Rd (em frente ao Lago Hussain Sagar), 91 11 23890707 (crsavis. co. in), 12. Abrir 24 horas. 160edit Savaari (Savaari Car Rentals), 1800 108 1000 (infosavaari), 13. 160edit taxiGUIDE. in (Hyderabad Car Rental), Banjara Hills. 91 888 023 4455 (supporttaxiguide. in), 14. Consulta: das 7h às 23h. Serviços de aluguel de carros de Hyderabad em taxiGUIDE. in - um serviço de aluguer de automóveis com motorista em 75 cidades na Índia. Tarifas começando Rs.687 para dentro da cidade e Rs.10.75km para o outstation. 160edit Clear Car Rental (Clear Car Rental), 91 9730097777 (supportclearcarrental), 15. Aberto 24 horas. 160edit Cabs24x7 (aluguel de carros on-line), 91 9243778005 (infocabs24x7), 16. 160edit By Tourist Bus editar O departamento de Telangana Tourism dirige um serviço de ônibus hop-on hop 17 que leva um ao redor da cidade. A pé, editar os distritos interessantes de Hyderabads são bastante espalhados, mas são agradáveis ​​para explorar a pé por conta própria. A Cidade Velha é composta por um labirinto de becos desorientadores que se expandem para fora do Charminar. Perder-se nos mercados (onde você pode comprar qualquer coisa de saris com lantejoulas a cabras recentemente abatidas) e becos na Cidade Velha podem fazer uma tarde completamente agradável. O famoso Bazar de Chudi (Lad Bazaar) em frente ao Charminar é uma queda caótica de mercadorias, pessoas, animais e veículos são navegados rapidamente a pé. O Palácio de Chowmahalla e a Mecca Masjid são facilmente acessados ​​pelo Charminar. Colar Road, Sultan Bazar (Koti) e Abids valem a pena passar algum tempo para passear. Por favor, note que caminhar pode ser perigoso em Hyderabad. É comum que as estradas estejam perdendo pavimento, ou simplesmente não pavimentadas, e bicicletas e autorickshaws podem ir até a borda da estrada e escalar qualquer barreira para avançar no trânsito. Andar ao lado e atravessar a estrada pode ser muito perigoso e é importante ficar alerta para a condução errática. É sempre aconselhável usar a ponte sobre o pé se houver um disponível. Veja edit adicionar lista Antigo cidade editar A cidade velha é a região histórica de Hyderabad. A maioria das atrações históricas situa-se na cidade velha. Charminar. M-Sa 9 AM-5PM, fechado em F 1 PM-2PM para orações. Literalmente, quatro minaretes, essa estrutura foi construída no ponto em que Quli Qutb Shah rezou para o fim da epidemia de praga. O Charminar tem sido o ícone de Hyderabad. As torres elevam-se a uma altura de 48,7 m acima do solo. Tem 140 passos. Graffiti nas paredes diminuiu a beleza do Charminar. Existe uma mesquita com 45 espaços de oração localizados dentro dos andares superiores. A estrutura está no meio de uma estrada movimentada com tráfego de veículos, mas um projeto de pedestrianismo está em andamento. Em cima dos minaretes, você tem uma visão panorâmica da cidade de Hyderabad. No fundo de um dos minar é um templo hindu. O tráfego é menos do que ideal. Planeje uma viagem de manhã cedo às 9 da manhã se as compras não estiverem na sua lista de tarefas. Rs 5, crianças abaixo de 11 livres (para índios), Rs 100 (para estrangeiros), as câmeras de vídeo são cobradas Rs 25 extra. 160da Meca Masjid. (SW do Char Minar). Mecca Masjid é uma das mesquitas mais antigas da cidade e facilmente a maior. Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah began building it in 1617 under the supervision of Mir Faizullah Baig and Rangiah Choudhary. Mughal emperor Aurangzeb completed the construction in 1694. The mosque is a granite giant with awe-inspiring innards. The main hall of the mosque is 75 feet high, 220 feet wide and 180 feet long, big enough to accommodate ten thousand worshipers at a time. It is believed that Muhammed Quli commissioned bricks to be made with the soil brought from Mecca and inducted them into the construction of the central arch of the mosque, which explains the name of the mosque. It is mandatory for women to have a dupatta shawl in order to be granted entry into the premises. 160edit Chowmahalla Palace. Khilwat, 20-4-236, Motigalli. 91 40 2452-2032. 18. Sa-Th 10AM-5PM, closed on National Holidays. Situated near Charminar, it was the seat of the Asaf Jahi dynasty where the Nizam entertained his official guests and royal visitors. Rs 40 (for Indians), Rs 150 (for foreigners), camera permit Rs 50. 160edit Falaknuma Palace. Built by Nawab Viqar al-Umra in 1872, Falaknuma is a stunning piece of architecture and the most opulent of the Nizams palaces. The interior is particularly impressive and features the works of Florentine sculptors and a 100-seater Dining Table. The palace has been converted into a hotel run by the Taj group and is no longer accessible to general public. 160edit Golconda Fort. 7AM-8PM. The Golconda Fort was the capital of the Qutb Shahi kingdom. Set aside a minimum of 2 hr to do justice to your visit -- the outer wall measures 10 km. Learning a little about the fort ahead of time is recommended as it is easy to get confused or lost in the massive space. If you accept one of the local guides - who hustle you at the entrance gate - try to pick one who actually knows his stuff (Rs 500 per tour and the guide would also ask you for tips in the end, however it is entirely up to you whether to give tips or not), rather than someone who was actually just passing by, spotted you and will tell you bits he once read in a guidebook. The genuine old Muslim guide who gained his encyclopedic knowledge of Golconda as an infant from his 118 year old grandmother knows the history of every inch of the place and will show you with expertise the echoarchitecture system built into the fort that the ruler used as a communicationspying system. There is also a light and sound show - the story of Golkonda - for an hour, which could be a little boring,(price for foreigners Rs 50100 for normalexecutive ticket) after sunset lasting1h that tells you the story of the fort and is worth seeing. The English show runs Nov-Feb 6:30PM daily and Mar-Oct until 7PM daily. Hindi and Telugu shows are run afterwards in certain days. Afterwards, have a wander through the tiny streets and shops surrounding the fort. The beautiful scruffy old shops and houses will sell you everything from naan bread to bangles, and the fading and gaudy old painted gates and houses are a delight, as are the friendly locals. Rs 100 all. 160edit Qutb Shahi Tombs ( 1 km north of Golconda fort, approached via Banjara Darwaza ), 19. Sa-Th 9:30AM-5:30PM. The Qutubshahi mosques in Hyderabad are so named because they were built by the Qutubshahi dynasty. Most of them were built by Quli Qutb Shah, the founder. Sadly in May 2010 local newspapers revealed that shoddy restoration work allegedly using unskilled labour with road drills (bought in by one government department that didnt bother to seek professional advice or inform the local archaeological or environment departments) has been damaging these beautiful buildings. Rs 10, camera Rs 20. 160edit Qutub Shahi Tombs Site Museum. Hyderabad-8. 91 40 2351 341. Sa-Th 9AM-4:30PM. Rs 2. 160edit H. E.H The Nizams Museum. Purani Haveli, Hyderabad-2 ( Behind Princess Durru Shehvar Childrens Hospital ), 91 40 2452 1029. Sa-Th 10AM-5PM. Home to the famous wardrobe of Mahbub Ali Pasha, who is said never to have worn the same thing twice. It is the worlds longest wardrobe, built in two levels with a hand-cranked wooden lift(elevator) in place. This occupies the entire length of one wing of the palace. Hard to find, take small road next to Princess Durru Shehwar Hospital, entrance gate at N17 22.002 E78 28.975 Rs 50, students amp children Rs 15. ( N17 22.002. E78 28.975 ) 160edit Hussain Shah Wali Dargah. 160edit Moula Ali Dargah. 400 stairs brings you to a place of worship built by the Asif Jahis. The Moula Ali Dargah was built in the memory of Hazrat Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. Legend has it that Yakoob, a eunuch in the court of Ibrahim Quli, went to the hill after he saw Hazrat Ali seated on it. To his surprise, he saw the impression of Alis palm on a stone, which he had dreamt. He had the impression cut out and installed in a shrine. Ibrahim Shah later built a mosque beside the dargah. A Ashurkhana. a Baradari (pavilion) and an Nqqar khana (place for beating drums) were built during the Qutb Shahi period. 160edit Osmania Arts College. Built during the period of the last Nizam, Mir Osman Ali Khan. The imposing facade of the building is a great sight. 160edit Paigah Tombs. Santoshnagar (Pisal Banda). daytime. These tombs belong to the Paigah nobles (tied by blood and marriage to the Nizams) and are about 200 years old. These unique lime and mortar tombs are beautifully carved and have marble inlay work on them. Relaxing environment with bird singing. N17 20.639 E78 30.248 seems free. ( N17 20.639. E78 30.248 ) 160edit Purani Haveli. Dewandevdi ( SE of Afzalganj Bridge ). Sa-Th 10:30AM-5PM. Originally, the palace of the Nizams Prime Minister, later it was renovated and became the quarters of the Nizams son. It is a U-shaped complex with a single-storeyed building in the European style. 160edit Raymond Tomb. Dilsukh Nagar, Asmaan Gadh. Michel Raymond, a French mercenary, was a military commander in the service of the second Nizam and also his close friend. His tomb is located at Saroornagar, and is made of black granite with beautiful sky view of the area 160edit Salar Jung Museum. Naya Pul, Afzalgunj ( Turn left once you reach the south bank of Musi using the Nayapul ), 91 40 2452 3211. Sa-Th 10AM-5PM, ticketing closes at 4:15PM. This collection belonged to the Salar Jungs, Prime Minsters of Hyderabad, but has been augmented since. The collection includes articles mostly from medieval and modern times, with a concentration of articles from the Islamic era. The western wing on the second floor is interesting. It contains paintings, furniture and other objects that the Salar Jung got from the West. The collection of Nizam jewellery is displayed only on special occasions. It is one of the best private collections and museums in India. Free guided tours lasting two hours each are available at scheduled times, four times a day. Inquire at the entrance. Cameras, bags and liquids are not allowed, but mobile cameras are winked at. Deposit your contraband at the free lockers available near the ticketing area. Rs 10 for Indians and Rs 150 for foreigners. 160edit Toli Masjid. Karwan. 300 years old. Known for its splendid architecture. 160edit New city edit Archival Museum ( T. S. State Archives and Research Institute ), Tarnaka, Hyderabad-7. 91 40 2701 8371. 160edit TS State Museum. Displays a stunning array of artifacts dating back to the 1st century to the 20th Century. Ranging from the Lotus Medallion of the 1st century to the Amazing Kalankari work that adorned the bed-spreads of the Nizams to a period room that displays the typical living room of the Nizam time to the Jain sculptures and Statues - this place has it all. 160edit The Birla Mandir. Birla Mandir. Adarsh Nagar, Naubat Pahad ( Two different routes depending on whether you want to drive right to the top or climb the stairs. ). 10AM-noon, 2PM-8PM. The industrial house of the Birlas have the tradition of building magnificent marble temples in cities of India. This one is one of the best. Located on top of Naubat Pahad (mountain), this clean, sparkling white temple dedicated to Venkateshwara has viewing areas that afford a great view of the city. Sadly, cameras and camera mobiles are banned your bags are checked at the entrance. Shoes are not allowed, so come early in the morning so the ground will not be too hot. There is a free cloakroom available for both electronics and shoes. Nowadays it is filled with tourists, who come to marvel at its architecture rather than for spiritual purposes. One should observe the intricate carvings on the marble walls and dome of the temple. Livre. 160edit B. M. Birla Planetarium and Science amp Technological Museum. Adarshnagar, Hyderabad -63 ( Very close to Birla Temple, Naubat Pahad ), 91 40 2324 1067. Museum 10:30AM-8PM, Planetarium English shows 11:30AM, 4PM, 6PM, More shows in Telugu and one show in Hindi. F-W. The show at the planetarium lasts 35 min and is moderately interesting. The technological museum, on the other hand, is poorly maintained. The Dinosaurium at the upper level is interesting. It contains a complete skeleton of a dinosaur Kotasaurus yamanpalliensis discovered in the village of Yemanapalli in 1988. The lower level displays the personal collection of Nirmala Birla, also quite interesting Museum Rs 40, Planetarium Rs 40, combined admission Rs 70, Parking Rs 20. 160edit The High Court of Telangana. Nayapul. 160edit The Hyderabad Public School. Begumpet. Formerly a Nizams palace and the Jagirdars College. This Institution was founded in 1923 and is currently one of the oldest and largest public schools in the country. The campus is also an internationally recognised heritage site. 160edit Kala Bhavan. Ravindra Bharathi complex, Saifabad, Lakdikapul. An art gallery 160edit The Kothi Residency ( Womens College, Kothi ). 160edit Nehru Zoological park. Has some rare and interesting exhibits. There is a Lion safari and a Tiger Safari. Adult - Rs 20. 160edit Exhibition. Nampally (Vanitha College). An exhibition that runs in the months of January amp February every year. It showcases various items made across India. It runs every year starting 1 Jan-15 Feb in the Exhibition grounds. 160edit Punjagutta to Gachibowli edit Astrologer foretells a boys future. Village scene at Shilparamam Alankrita Art Gallery. Kavuri Hills, Madhapur. 91 40 2311 3709. 160edit Gallery Space. Rd No.12, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6554 1836. 160edit Kalahita Art Foundation. Lakshmi Towers, Nagarjuna Hills. 91 40 2335 0543. 160edit Le Cafe De Art. Rd No.1 Banjara Hills. 91 40 6550 6661. 160edit Pegasus Art Gallery. Road No.72 Jubilee Hills. 91 40 23608883. 160edit Shilparamam. Hi tec city, Madhapur. 11AM-8PM. Designed as a contrast to the futuristic Cyber tower that lies across the road, the crafts village of Shilparamam (sculpture village) guards the entrance road to Hi tec city. The intent is to showcase and preserve the old. There is a bazaar where you can buy assorted handicrafts and art work. There is also an entire village where you can find realistic - looking sculptures of villagers carrying out their traditional crafts. You can also find a rock museum which contains natural rock formations that allegedly look life-like. Make sure you carry cash to buy anything you like - credit cards are not accepted by most shops. You can bargain the price up to 13 of the quoted price. If you are a foreigner they try to fleece you, you need to bargain even more for a fair price. Also next to Shilpa Ramam is Shilpa Sandhya Vedika, a location for eating and shopping. Rs 40. 160edit State Gallery Of Art ( Chitramayee ), Road No. 1, Kavuri Hills, Madhapur, Jubilee Hills. 91 40 2311 3308. 160edit Vishwakarma arts gallery. Banjara Hills, Panjagutta, Dwarakapuri colony, Esteem House, Backside of Model House. 91 40 6661 5039 (vishwakarmartsyahoo ), 20. 10AM-9PM. 160edit Temples edit Birla Mandir. Birla Mandir on the Naubath Pahad is a magnificent Hindu temple of Lord Venkateshwara, entirely built in white marble located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The Birla Foundation has constructed several similar temples in India, all of which are known as Birla Mandir. The temple manifests a blend of South Indian, Rajasthani and Utkala temple architectures. In its entirety, it is made of 2,000 tons of pure Rajasthani white marble. The granite of the presiding deity is about 3.4 m (11 ft). tall and a carved lotus forms an umbrella on the roof. The consorts of Lord Venkateswara, Padmavati and Andal are housed in separate shrines. There is a brass flagstaff in the temple premises which rises to a height of 13 m (42 ft). Livre. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Balaji Temple ( Visa Balaji ), Chilkur. 21. 5AM-8PM. Chilkur is an important pilgrim center in Hyderabad, Telangana (India). The Lord here is Sri Venkateswara Swamy in a standing posture, beside whom is Goddess Sridevi and Goddess Bhudevi. People with wishes, take 11 rounds a round the core of the temple. Once their wish as been fulfilled they return to perform 108 more rounds. You will find people ticking away at the pieces of paper with the numbers to track the count. The god here is also referred as Visa Balaji because, people usually come here wishing for their US Visas to be approved. Livre. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Sanghi Temple. Hayat Nagar. Livre. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Karmanghat hanuman temple. karmanghat. 22. Free. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Iskcon Temple. Sri Sri Radha Madanmohan Mandir, Nampally Station Road, Abids. 23. Free. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Mahankali Temple. Laldarwaza. Site of the main annual Bonalu procession. Livre. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Ujjaini Mahankali Temple. Secunderabad. Livre. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Peddamma Temple. Jubilee Hills. Livre. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Ashtalaksmi temple. dilsukhnagar. Livre. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Puri Jagannath Temple Mosques edit Hyderabad has many historical mosques. Churches edit St Josephs Cathedral. Gun Foundry Area. Established in 1820, this is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Hyderabad. 160edit St. Georges Church. Abid Road. 24. St. Georges Church is one of the oldest churches in the city of Hyderabad, India. It was built in the year 1844 AD. The church was originally an Anglican church but is now under the auspices of the Church of South India. 160edit Lakes edit Hussain Sagar Lake. Hussain Sagar Lake ( Tank Bund ), Necklace Rd. 24 hrs. The artificial lake is a historical landmark, built during the reign of Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah in 1562 by damming the Musi. This forms the boundary between Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Surrounding the lake are various parks, temples, statues and historical buildings. This is one of the few walkable places in the city. At the centre of the lake stands a famous statue of the Buddha installed in 1992. Boat rides to Budha Statue are available from Eat Street and Lumbini Park, and fares are low. Speedboats, however, do not stop at the Buddha statue. low. 160edit Osman Sagar Gandipet Himayat Sagar Durgam Cheruvu (Secret Lake) - this is quite close to Hi-Tec City area and now hosts various parties and events. It used to be a real hidden gem in the busy city but it is still a nice lake to sit around. Shamirpet 24 km away to the north of Secunderabad, Shamirpet has a beautiful lake and a deer park. The peaceful environs make it a great picnic spot. TS Tourism offers comfortable cottages facilities for accommodation (under private management) while the forest lodge can be booked with the TS Forest Department office at Saifabad. Saroornagar - this lake is very famous as it has been lined by a solid strong wall on one side recently. A two lane undivided road is laid over this wall. The road is neat and exciting to drive. It has abundant lighting during nighttime and large pedestrian space provided. A problem is eutrophication which is caused due to water hyacinth. A pleasant space for young couples to spend their evening. Smells sometimes, but that is the nature of any waterbody in a metropolis. Another important event that takes place is vinayakachaturthy, (a festival for Hindus in which Lord Vinayakas statues are immersed (and thereby dissolved) in water). All roads lead to saroor nagar lake on the day of the Lord Ganeshs nimajjanam . Parks edit Public Gardens. Known as the Bagh-e-aam (Garden for the commoners), it has well laid out gardens and is surrounded by the imposing State Legislative Assembly building, the Jubilee Hall, the Jawahar Bal Bhavan, the Health Museum and the State Archaeological Museum. This was the old zoo and now is a beautiful place for both children and adults. Livre. 160edit Necklace Road. The Chaupati of Hyderabad. Indira Park. A sprawling 76 acre park located near Tank Bund with a nice little pond and boating. Sanjeeviah Park Krishna Kanth Park Lotus Pond (Jubilee Hills) Botanical Garden (Madapur) Nehru Zoological Park (almost natural habitat for a great collection of animals. drive in Safari) KBR National Park (Chiraan Palace) Chilkur Wildlife Park Jalavihar Family Water Park (Necklace Rd) Mahaveer Vanasthali Wildlife park Lumbini Park - It also offers nice Laser Shows in the evening which is first in India. Chacha Nehru Park (Masab Tank) for pleasant morning walks with kids Jalagam Vengal Rao Park (JVR Park, Banjara Hills) NTR (Nandamoori Taraka Ramarao) Gardens (Necklace Rd) The wild life parks, botanical garden and zoo have several educational programs including lectures with live snakes The bad news is this has been almost occupied by some people and there is no surprise if you dont see this. Touts edit Recently, there has been a great rise in the number of complaints about harassment of innocent tourists in various destinations around the country. The Ministry of Tourism has adopted a strategy of introducing Audio Guide Devices at various places of interest around the country such as the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, etc. to provide reliable and factual information to tourists. It is wise to hire such devices as you can avoid being ripped off or ambushed by desperate touts itching to make a buck. The Ministry of Tourism has also announced its partnership with AudioCompass, a company specializing in creating Audio Tours of all places of interest in the country including Hyderbad, Golconda Fort, etc in the form of Audio Devices available at the monuments and Smartphone apps that can be download from the App Store. Do edit add listing Heritage walk. Char Minar. 25. 7AM-9AM every Sunday and 2nd Saturday. They are organized by the TS tourism department and led by a knowledgeable guide and Tourist Police. There are two flavors of walks so far, one that ends at Chowmohalla palace, and the other that ends at Badshahi Ashoorkhana. Bonus - breakfast served too Its probably better to call up at 26 beforehand and confirm which walk is on. Ticket price is Rs 50 per head and can be bought at char minar on the spot. 160edit Bungee Trampoline at NTR Park NTR Gardens. NTR Marg ( West of Hussain Sagar lake ). 2 PM-8:30PM. Built in memory of N T Rama Rao, ex-Chief Minister, this is an amusement park which houses some nice attractions like a mini-train, a haunted house, a boat ride, etc. There is a cafe where the seating is in the shape of vintage cars. You can either spend money on the rides or generally stroll around and gape at the fountains and the giant insects. For rides, the Rs 45 combo you can buy at the entrance is a good deal. Rs 15 for entry, rides extra. 160edit Lumbini Park. NTR Marg ( West of Hussain Sagar lake ). 9 AM-9 PM. See water cascades, go on guided car rides. Go on a boat ride and see the Buddha statue at the centre of the lake. Rs 10, rides extra. 160edit Hyderabad Adventure amp Trekkers club ( HAT s ), 91 9985020105 (hatsfunclubgmail ), 27. Hyderabad Adventure amp Trekkers club is an active and well organized Trekkers group out of the Hyderabad area. It make an effort to be as inclusive as possible by offering Adventure Treks at all levels, from bouldering to trekking Exploring Wilderness. 160edit Dhola ri Dhani. Kompally, Medchal Rd ( 11 km from Secunderabad at Kompally on Medchal Highway ), 28. Ethnic Rajasthani village. A unit of Guptas Hotel amp Motels and is recognized by Telangana Government as a Theme Restaurant and Tourist Attraction. In the evening, the whole village is lit up with 2,000 lanterns and a village fair is staged. 160edit High View Swimming Pool . Maula Ali, 91 939 111 5019 Runway 9 29 91 98 8533 3160, 91 98 8533 3170. This park offers archery, air rifle (BB gun) target practice, and go-cart racing on a track with tight corners. Treasure Island . Gandipet Ramoji Film City holds the record for the worlds largest film studio, though most of the shooting takes place outdoors. Many Telugu and Hindi films are produced here. Tourists can tour the studios and there are two hotels. Its a 1 hour drive east of the city. GoGoa Acquarium is an exhibition of rare Sea water animals including Star Fish and Quran Angel and showcase of the Goan MarineAquatic life. Entry is Rs 100 for adults and Rs 50 for children. This place is on the Vijayawada Highway, 3 km from Ramoji Film City. Ocean Park . Gandipet, 91 40 2322 56602322 3824. A water-theme park Snow World . Asias largest Snow Theme Park. Entry ticket Rs 450, children Rs 250 if under 4 ft tall. Telephonic reservations Diginet Digital Experience Zone . Gamecentre. WiFi hotspot, coffee shop, shopping. 91 40 5558 0009 Friends of Snakes Society . For reptile conservation work and field trips. 91 83742333667788. Great Hyderabad Adventure Club ( GHAC ), Inside A. K Enclave, Road No 3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad ( Lane Next to Meena Bazar ), 91 40 68888197 (infoghac. in ), 30. 9:30 am to 6:30 pm. Hyderabads own non profit community based adventure club. Here you can meet local adventure professionals, amateurs and participate in many adventure activities like trekking, rock climbing, rappelling and adventure sports conducted in and around Hyderabad and rest of India. 160edit Rent a bicycle and enjoy the ride ( Hitech City Bike Station ), Lumbini Avenue, Gachibowli, Hyderabad ( Near Bio-diversity park ). 5 AM to 10 AM, 5 PM to 8 PM, Closed on Mondays. Hi tech City Bike Station is a popular place on weekend mornings for renting a bicycle for up to 4 hours. The bicycles are decent enough for a 50km ride but not great. Most people take the service road of Outer Ring Road and ride the scenic Gandipet lake route. 160edit For an insight into the contemporary cultural landscape of the city, do visit Lamakaan where various theater group perform in Telugu, English and UrduHindi languages. This is also a good place to meet localities. Weekend Getaways edit Hyderabad has a number of options for weekend getaways. Places like Hampi, Bidar and resorts around Hyderabad are in close proximity for weekend getaways but if youre willing to travel a little more you can explore options like Dandeli, Gokarna and Badami. There are several companies that connect all of these places with individual travelers and corporate travelers from Hyderabad. LifeIsOutside. 91 88800 36677 (bookingslifeisoutside ), 31. LifeIsOutside is one of Indias leading short break and weekend getaway portal with a pan India coverage. LifeIsOutside provides an end to end solution for corporate getaways and outings. 32 160edit Golf courses edit EmaarMGF Boulder Hills Golf and Country Club . Manikonda Village, Gachibowli Mr. Sanjay Pan, 91 99 4943 0300, 91 92 4803 0300 (Golf and Country Club), ( enquiriesemaarmgf ) Hyderabad Golf Club . Satham Cheruvu, Beside Nadeem Colony, Golconda. 91 40 2356 7207 ACS Golf Course 4, 214 KPHB Colony, Kukatpally. 91 40 2315 6433, 2305 0211, 2315 7241 Army Golf Course Club . Risala Bazar, Bolarum, Secunderabad. 91 40 2786 1943 Bolarum Golf Club . Risala Bazar, Bolarum. 91 40 2786 1943 Tennis courts edit Park View Enclave Tennis Centre . Boinpally Secunderabad. 91 40 3296 0203. Ace Tennis Academy . Begumpet. 91 94404 22920 Learn edit Buddhism edit Bodhi Sampanna . 91 98 663 24910, ( infodharmamegha. org ), 33. The centre, whose name means an abode endowed with Bodhi, is a centre for the study and practice of Mahayana Buddhism following the lineage and example of Lord Buddha. Bodhi Sampanna was founded in 2009 and is a part of Dharma Megha Foundation The Centre offers courses in various Buddhist meditation techniques and teachings on different aspects of Buddhism. Teachings are offered free to the public and are conducted in English or in Tibetan (with translation in English). Work edit Buy edit add listing Jewellery edit Jagdamba Pearls. Gupta Estate, Basheer Bagh. 91 40 6656 6777. 34. Jagdamba Pearls, is one of the oldest and the largest pearl companies in India. 160edit C. Krishniah Chetty amp Sons-The Flagship Boutique. Taj Deccan. 91 40 3256 1869. 35. -1PM, on Sun 11-8PM. 160edit Lilac Boutique. Liberty Rd, Himayathnagar ( near TTD, opposite Dadu Sweets ), 91 92 4658 1851. Designer and made to order amp customised heavy suits, sarees and fancy blouses. 160edit Pearls of Hyderabad . ( Abids and Somajiguda Jewellery shops ). Choose from 3 varieties, natural pearls, cultured, and imitation. Mohal Jewells . On the Golden Mile Somajiguda for Pearls, Silver, Gold. phone 91 40 2341 9757 Ghanshyamdas Jewellers ( opp Abids Police Station ). Genuine pearls Ornaments ampmp jewellery (Punjagutta, Abids and Somajiguda) Imitation Jewellery . From Charminar. The Golden Mile of Hyderabad for shopping, consisting of shopping plazas, Malls, Designer Boutiques and upmarket shops - Starting from Lifestyle near the Begumpet Flyover and extending all the way till Road No.1 Banjara Hills. Ladida-lingerie store ( lingerie, ladies wear, nightwear ), 2,R, K.Plaza, Opp. Joyalukkas Jewelers, Greenlands Rd, Panjagutta. 91 40 40020267. 36. 11AM-9PM. Exclusive lingerie store where you can for shop lingerie and lounge wear. Rs 300-2,500. 160edit Handicrafts edit Lepakshi . 37 (Gunfoundry, Abids). 91 40 2766 8178 Kalanjali Margadarsi House, 5-10-195, Fathemaidan Raod, Opp: Ploice Control Room, Nampally, Hyderabad. 91 40 2323 1147, 91 40 2329 7196. (fax:91 40 2323 3204 ) Bidri Crafts . (Gunfoundry, Abids) 91 40 2323 2657, 91 40 2323 3663. Vishwakarmarts gallery . Esteemhouse opposite to model house in Punjagutta Dwarakarapuri colony, 91 40 6661 5039 38 . Shilparamam . ( Also Known As Night Bazaaz ), Madhapur. Exhibitions of handicrafts. United Designers . Banjara Hills Rd4. Designs by a new wave of young Hyderabadi fashion designers, they also have natural hand-made soaps for body and hair. Mon - Sat 10:30AM-8PM, 91 40 2335 5441, 91 98 85404944. Bazaars edit Laad Bazaar . ( next to Charminar ). Exotic lacquer and glass bangles market. Madina Market Bazaar . Wholesale market. Gulzar House . Retail market for ladies. Begum Bazaar . Wholesale market. Sultan Bazaar . Wholesale clothes market. General Bazaar . Budget clothes shopping. Monda Market . Vegetable market. Feel Khana Khadim Mozzam Jahi Market Eat edit add listing This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . None specified. Please use the articles talk page to ask questions if you are not sure why this tag was added and whether it is safe to remove it. No visit to Hyderabad would be complete without sampling its unique cuisine - a rich blend of royal Mughlai flavours, Nizams special, and spice-up culinary traditions of South India such as: Hyderabadi biryani, pathar-ka-ghosht, nahari, haleem, double-ka-meetha, khubani-ka-meetha, seviyon-ka-meetha and kheer. A popular dish of Hyderabad is biryani. Ask anybody about their favorite dish of Hyderabad, and they will definitely tell you Hyderabadi biryani. It is prepared with a blending of Mughal kitchen and the style of cooking practiced by the Nizams. Hyderabadi biryani has a distinct aroma. Beautifully garnished with pudina, fried onion amp boiled eggs. Mostly it is served with dahi-ki-chutney and mirchi-ka-salan. Biryani has many variants like mutton biryani, chicken biryani, biryani khaam, biryani zard or zafrani or the most exotic of all joban malti biryani in which mutton, partridges and quails were cooked with rice. Hyderabadi dum biryani . is where dum refers to the baking process and basmati rice and meat or vegetables are mixed in a pot and heated for a long time. During the Nizams time, the biryani was made with lamb carefully cooked with rice. Culinary delicacies of Hyderabad include: Gosht . which is made from a buckbillyyoung goat, and is associated with the Hyderabadi cuisine. Hyderabadis prize the meat of a male goat. Kachchi gosht ki biriyani . of Hyderabad, where raw meat is stir fried with spices (masala) for a couple of minutes and then covered with rice and put on dum. Today, Biryani is also made using vegetables, chicken, seafood and beef. The beef Biryani is known as Kalyani Biryani . available at many small eateries in the city. Although any Irani cafe might serve this delectable dish, there are a few places better known for tasteful food than their hygiene. Hyderabadi Haleem . is another dish which is available only in the month of Ramadaan (Ramzan). Mirchi ka salan . served with spicy chilly gravy, is another dish that serves as a tasty accompaniment to any rice item. Khubani ka meetha . is Hyderabads preferred dessert sweet. It is made from apricots boiled in sugar syrup till they achieve a thick consistency. It looks similar to, but tastes different from gajar ka halwa (carrot halwa). It is often topped with ice-cream or cream. Double Ka Meetha . is a dessert made from bread, milk and dry fruits. Falooda . is a favourite drink of Hyderabad. Irani chai is the tea of Hyderabad, available at any of the ubiquitous Chai shops. Although, not all of them have the best hygiene and it is best to go with a local. The crowd at the stalls is composed mainly of blue collared workers and college students so expect a noisy environment with conversational topics that range from movies to politics. Street food . in Hyderabad is better than most other cities in India and it is cheap. Gokul Chaat in Koti is a well known and pretty popular joint for snacks like Samosa Chaat, Dahi Puri and Sev Puri. Amazingly tasty Rajasthani street food (Kachori, Samosa and Aloo Mirch) is served by Rajasthan Namkeen Bhandar, also located in Koti (diagonally opposite Womens College bus-stop). Malai Plate. nampally-public garden road ( below the tree ). 6am-7pm. A milk bar that is located near the hyderabad railway station offers something really special apart from its famous milk and bun and that is fresh cream with a spoonful of sugar. A plate of fresh cream scooped from the boiling milk with a dash of sugar is truly a rare, warm and childhood reminder treat 30. 160edit Restaurants edit Hyderabads famous haleem In recent times, there has been an explosion in the number of restaurants in Hyderabad, fueled by demand from young professionals with money to spend. Quality and variety of food, however, has not kept pace. There is a disproportionately large number of restaurants that aspire to be called fine-dining restaurants, but the food they serve is usually indifferent. In general, keep away from restaurants that call themselves multi-cuisine or if you see multiple cuisines on the menu, as the chances are that they are attempting to serve every kind of palate and will not satisfy any. The older areas of Hyderabad are better places to find good and cheap food. Places close to Hi tec city, such as Madhapur and Kondapur, tend to have expensive and bad food, while in Banjara Hills and Jubilee Hills you will find restaurants that are expensive, but which sometimes serve good food. Those misled by the fact that Hyderabad is in South India and expecting South Indian food may be disappointed. While there are excellent South Indian restaurants in some of the older areas like Koti and Abids, the average South Indian food served here is quite bad. Two of the biggest names in Hyderabads restaurant business are Ohris 39 and the BJN Group 40. It will seem as if every second restaurant in the city is run by either one or the other. BJN generally runs upscale restaurants, while Ohris runs both upscale and mid-range restaurants. It also runs numerous fast food places all over the city, including at Prasads Imax, Banjara Hills, Somajiguda, EatStreet, Hyderabad Central amp Basheer Bagh. Budget edit Alpha. ( opposite Secunderabad Railway Station ), 91 40 2770 2291. Popular for beja fry, available only in the morning and served for breakfast. 160edit Cafe Bahaar. Opp. Commissioner Office, Old MLA Quarters, Basheerbagh. 91 40 2324 3798, 91 40 2323 7605. Biryanis and meat curries, moderately priced. 160edit Baawarchi. Plot no. 66, RTC Cross Rds, Chikkadpally Musheerabad ( Opposite Sandya Theatre ), 91 40 2760 5308, 91 40 2763 4490. 41. 11:30AM-11PM. Biryanis Rs 150. 160edit Bowl OChina. 42. This is a chain restaurant started by the same folk who run Hyderabad House. It is present in multiple locations all over the city. Average Indian Chinese food. Rs 200. 160edit Chutneys. 1: 2: Nagarjuna Circle, Near Punjagutta flyover. 91 40 2335 0569, 91 40 2335 8484, 91 40 5557 8651. Vegetarian, and quite well-known in Hyderabad. South Indian dishes like dosas, idlis and uttappas. North Indian is also good. Is extremely crowded on weekend nights, and there is awaiting time of upto 30 min. Does not serve alcohol. Rs 150. 160edit Durga Mess. Prakash Nagar, Opp: Old airport ( Prakash Nagar, Opp: Old airport ), 9705557749. we serve better Taste 160edit Hyderabad House. Multiple locations. 43. This is a chain of restaurants, serving Hyderabadi style food all over the city. There are also outlets that comprise just a takeout counter. Try the Lukhmi. Vegetarians will have few choices. Rs 200. 160edit Kholanis Kitchen. 4-3-5481, Shop No. 16 amp 17, Needs Arcade, Tilak Rd, Abids. 91 40 2475 3444, 91 40 2475- 657. 11AM-11PM. Try the excellent malai kebabs (chicken) and apollo fish Rs 200. 160edit Minerva Coffee Shop. This is a bit of a local institution, serving tasty vegetarian South and North Indian snacks and food. It is present in 4 locations: Rs 150. 160edit New Astoria Restaurant. 1-8-5632, Surya Mukhi Complex, RTC X Rds. 91 40 2766 7115, 91 40 6662 5520. 160edit Shadaab. Madina Building. 91 40 2313 4446. Famous for its Hyderabadi Mutton Biryani and Jabda Gosht available only in the morning, served for breakfast. 160edit Sandarshini. Delicious South Indian dishes. Is present in over 5 locations 160edit Taj Mahal Restaurant. 4-1-999 Abids ( Part of Taj Mahal Hotel ), 91 40 2475-8250, 91 40 6551-1122. 11AM-11PM. One of the original Udupi style restaurants, this is strictly vegetarian and does not serve alcohol. It is part of the Taj Mahal Hotel, not to be confused with the nationally famous Taj chain of luxury hotels. The food in the restaurant is tasty and good, and like Udupi restaurants, serves South Indian, North Indian and Chinese. You are advised to stick to South Indian. The ambiance in the AC section is old-school. Rs 200. 160edit Mid-range edit Barbecue Nation. Banjara Hills ( opp. City Centre Mall ). Enjoy unlimited starters on a barbecue grill right on your table. Desserts are just okay. In happy hours(before 8 pm) the price will be 650taxes Otherwise 850 650taxes. 160edit 4 Seasons. 9-4-773D456, Yousuf Tekri, Tolichowki ( opposite R. T.A Office ), 91 40 65578671. Serves multiple cuisines, but raved about for its Arabic and Lebanese food. Lunch and dinner. Credit cards accepted. Around Rs 800 for two. 160edit Aangan. 1-8-10B, Yatri Nivas, Sardar Patel Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 2781 6881, 91 40 2781 6882, 91 40 2784 0005. 10:30AM-11:30PM. Mughlai, Chinese and Hyderabadi dishes. Rs 300. 160edit Angeethi. Unit 701-703, 7th floor, Reliance Classic, Rd 1 Banjara Hills. 91 40 6525 5550. 44. 12:30PM-3:30PM, 7:00PM-11:30PM. The ambience is of a Dhaba, complete with a pan shop, a well and a quack peddling herbal remedies for marital problems. Interesting variations on traditional Punjabi dishes, but the dessert selection is meager. The beverage menu has a quirky location at the end of the main menu. Rs 500. 160edit Bombay Palace. 6-1-79 amp 80 Hampshire Plaza, Lakdi-Ka-Pul. 91 40 2333 5555. 7:30PM-11:30PM. Has a decor that reminds you of Mumbai. Menu specialities include ragda patties and other items popularized by Mumbais streets in addition to Mughlai and Hyderabadi dishes. Live Ghazals every evening. Rs 300. 160edit Celebrations. Plot No.66A, Rd No.1, Jubilee Hills. 91 40 4010 0888, 91 40 2360 2888. 45. A complex of four restaurants and one bar. 160edit Chinese Pavilion. Road Number 1, Banjara Hills ( opposite JVR Park ), 91 40 6678-5680. 11:30AM-3:30PM, 7:30PM-11:30PM. Makes an attempt to move away from Indain Chinese. Rs 500. 160edit Chung Hua. 11:30AM-3:30PM, 7PM-10:30PM. Try out the Thai varieties, nice, cozy place. Present at 2 locations Rs 300. 160edit MoMo Cafe. 1-3-1024 Lower Tank Bund Rd. 91 40 2752 1222. 46. 24 hr. Mughlai, Chinese and Hyderabadi dishes. Rs 300-500. 160edit Ginger Court. H No 1-741, Guttala, Hitech City, Madhapur. 91 40 23113732, 91 40 2311-3733, 91 40 2311-3734. Close to Hi tech city, Mughlai and Indian Chinese. 160edit Kabura. 12:PM-3:30PM, 7:00PM-11:30PM. Cuisine from the Northwest Frontier. Rs 500. 160edit IndieJoe. 5th Floor, City Center Mall, Road No. 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6657-0000, 91 40 6668-3333. 12:30PM-3:30PM, 7:30PM-11:15PM. Serves global cuisine. Only buffet for lunch and only a la carte for dinner. Rs 500. 160edit Malgudi. 6-3-119221-16, 1st Floor, My Home Tycoon, Begumpet ( Lifestyle Building ), 91 40 6662-8800, 91 40 6663-2277, 91 40 2383-9671. The name is inspired by the fictional South Indian town created by R K Narayan. It has an ambiance that suits the name, with waiters clad in dhotis . On the menu, you will find foodstuff from the four southern states that are rare to find in other restaurants, like gutti vankai or kodi pulusu. Service is extremely fast. In Hyderabad, it has 3 branches: Rs 500. 160edit Mings Court. Baseraa Inn Hotel, Basheerbagh ( opposite Old Gandhi Medical College ), 91 40 2329 8811, 91 40 2329 8822, 91 40 2329 8855. 11:30AM-3:30PM, 7PM-11:30PM. Mostly Indian Chinese. Rs 500. 160edit Nanking. 103 Parklane, S D Rd, Secunderabad ( near Hussian Travels ), 91 40 2772-9893, 91 40 2784-3634, 91 40 2784-8986. 47. 11:30AM-3:30PM, 6:30PM-11PM. Hyderabads oldest Chinese restaurant. 160edit Olive Garden. 1-98901, Hi-Tech City, Madhapur. 91 40 2311 0900, 91 40 2310 0300. 11:30AM-3:30PM, 7PM-11PM. Do not be misled by the name and expect Italian. It serves passable Mughlai and Punjabi fare. Close to Hi tech city, so this is an option if you are looking for a quick place to eat. 160edit Our Place. 8-2-602E, Charan Pahadi, Rd No. 10 Banjara Hills ( look out for a small lane that goes upwards ), 91 40 23353422. Has received great reviews for its kebabs and tandoori dishes. But avoid the Thai stuff, as it looks like a pale imitation. The ambiance is great, the seating is outdoors amidst much greenery. Often, they have live gazal music for dinner. Rs 350. 160edit Punjabi by Nature. MJ Towers, Rd No.12, Banjara Hills. ( opp. SBI Banjara Hills Branch ), 91 40 2331-7284,91 40 2331-7285. 48. 12 noon-11:30PM. Kitschy decor, good food, but overpriced. As the name suggests, serves Punjabi and Mughlai food, but the menu is entirely mainstream. The drink menu has exotic stuff like golgappa with vodka, and gulab jamun with brandy. Rs 500. 160edit Serengeti. 8-2-6823, Rd No. 12, Banjara Hills ( Ohris Banjara ), 91 40 2330-2200. 12 noon-3:30, 7PM-11:30PM. Cuisine is from the Northwest Frontier Province while the decor tries to create the ambiance of an African safari. The food is good, the wine list is extensive and quite good. For a change, the dessert menu does not suck. Rs 600. 160edit Southern Spice. 8-2-35032, Road Number 3, Plot Number 34, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2335-3802, 91 40 2335-3803, 91 40 6682-2619. 12PM-3:30PM, 7PM-11:30PM. Highly rated for Andhra delicacies like ragi sangati and gongura mamsam Rs 300. 160edit Mainland China. G. S. Plaza, Gr. Floor, S-2-672, Road No. 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2330-4500,91 40 5521-4500, 91 40 2330-4700. 49. 12:45PM-3:30PM,7:30P-11:30PM. Excellent Chinese place, though it tends more towards Indian Chinese. Try the dim sums and the darsaan for dessert. Good ambiance and excellent service. Rs 700. 160edit Moksh. Necklace Rd. 91 40 6620 0111, 91 40 6620 0112. 11AM-3:30PM, 7PM-midnight. The Rs 199 Non-Veg, Lunch-buffet is really tasty. Service, ambiance and the lake-side location is awesome. 199. 160edit Sahib Sindh Sultan. City Centre, 5th Floor, Road no. 1 amp 10, Banjara Hills. 91 40 66683337. 50. 12 noon-3:30PM,7PM-11.30PM. Themed on the eponymous 19th century train. Seating is available inside the carriage or on the railway station. Waiters are dressed in turbans and railway announcements are interspersed with the music. The food is good, the pickles interesting and you have a good choice of drinks. Try the licchi ki taheri for dessert. Rs 350. 160edit Terrace Bay. 501, 5th Floor, Babukhan Mall, Punjagutta. 91 40 2341-8545, 91 40 2341-8546. 11AM-11PM. A fairly successful attempt to recreate Mexican cuisine in Hyderabad. To be visited more for the food than for the ambiance. Rs 600. 160edit Tex Mex. Plot 217, Road No 2, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2354-1493, 91 40 2354-2835. 12PM-3PM-7:30-10:30PM. Indian and World cuisine. Rs 500. 160edit Tulips - The Coffee Shop. 1-26, Hotel Green Park, Greenlands Rd, Begumpet. 91 40 2375-7575, 91 40 6651-5151. 24 hr. Famous for its midnight biryani and buffet. 160edit Ullaasa. 7-1, 591, Athithi Inn, 5th Floor, Dharam Karam Rd, Ameerpet. 91 40 2373-9091, 91 40 2373-9097. 11:30AM-11AM. Nice ethnic ambiance and the rooftop setting is amazing, and the food is excellent. Rs300. 160edit Utsav. 221 Tivoli, Secunderabad. 91 40 2772-0638. 11AM-3:30PM, 7:30PM-11AM. Indian vegetarian cuisine, has got good reviews. Rs 400. 160edit Villa No 1-8-46. P. G. Rd, Sindhi Colony, Secunderabad ( next to Food world ), 91 40 66481846. 160edit Wangs Kitchen. 12:30PM-3:30PM, 7PM-11:30PM. An upmarket Chinese restaurant, present at two locations: Rs 500. 160edit Zafraan Exotica. Road No. 12, Banjara Hills. 51. 11AM-3:30PM, 7PM-Midnight. A rooftop restaurant with an exotic ambiance. Serves Mughlai and Chinese. Rs 500. 160edit Grand Fuze. Road No. 1,Alcazar Plaza, Opposite City Center, Banjara Hills. 040-64535350,7799434388. 52. 11AM-11PM. The Restaurant serves Indo-Chinese fusion cuisine at reasonable prices. Two Can Eat for Rs 500. 160edit Paradise Restaurant. Paradise Circle, M G Rd, Secunderabad. 11:30AM-11:30PM. This restaurant is branch of one of the oldest places serving Biryani and of late has lost some of its sheen owing to explosion of business. Also serves the best falooda in Hyderabad. It has both a sit-down restaurant and takeaway. They do have branches, but confusingly imitators with similar names have sprung up all over the city. A new branch has recently opened up at Masab Tank crossroad amp Hitec City near Shilpakala Vedhika priceRs.800 for 2 people. 160edit Rayalseema Ruchulu. 1st Main Rd, Shanti Nagar, In The Lane Behind JNTU, Masab Tank. 91 40 6510-0033, 91 40 6510-0044, 91 98 85650789. 12PM-3:30PM, then 7PM-11:PM. Mildly spiced food from Rayalaseema, rustic decor. Not for vegetarians. Rs 1000 for 2 people. 160edit Splurge edit Fusion 9. Number 4, First Avenue, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6657-7722, 91 40 6657-7755. 11AM-4PM, 7:00PM-11:30PM. Lounge bar and restaurant, with an astonishing range of cuisines from different parts of the world. 160edit Hall Of Fame. Plot Number 1098, Road Number 36,Jubilee Hills. 91 40 64516969, 91 40 64526969. 11AM-11:30PM. Sports Grill. American, Italian and Mexican food with sport viewing . 160edit Golden Dragon. Taj Krishna, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666-2323, 91 40 2339-2323. 53. 12:30PM-2:45PM, 7:30PM-11:45PM. Opulent Chinese restaurant. Rs 800. 160edit Arena. Taj Deccan, Rd Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666-3939. 54. 24 hr. Coffee shop serves Sunday brunch. Sushi Bar. 160edit Spice Junxion. Taj Deccan, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666-3939. 55. 12PM-3:30PM, 7PM-11:30PM. South Indian cuisine with a trendy twist. Lunchtime platters with 10 starters, 8 main course items and 4 desserts served in a span of 40 min. Regular menu items are dosa with mutton curry and idly with chicken curry. The condiment trolley has 17 different types of chutneys, pickles, spicy powders, papads and vadiyalu from South India. Desserts paan ice cream, all-spice chocolates and traditional south Indian sweets are made in-house. 160edit Kebab-e-Bahar. Taj Banjara, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2339-9999. 56. 7:30PM-11:45PM. Kebabs from all over, including Hyderabad and Northwest Frontier. 160edit Little Italy Bar and Restaurant. 275, Film Nagar ( opp. KBR Park, at Applo Crossing ), 91 40 2355 8001. 57. 12 noon-3:30PM, 7PM-11:30PM. Italian style, completely vegetarian. Rs 700. 160edit Waterfront. Beside Eat Street, Necklace Rd. 91 40 2330 8899, 91 40 6527 8899. Has a nice view of Hussain Sagar lake, but the food, at its best, is passable. Rs 700 (cover charge of Rs 300, Rs 500 on weekends). 160edit Bakeries, cafes, sweet shops and fast food edit Hyderabad has a large number of outlets that are positioned as bakeries . These are primarily takeaway places, where one can buy sandwiches, burgers, biscuits and puffs to go (called parcel in local parlance.) Usually, there are a few chairs and tables thrown in as an afterthought. Many Western chains have set up shop in the posh areas of Hyderabad. Among these are Texas Chicken . McDonalds . KFC . Pizza Hut . Dominos and Subway . Most of these have multiple outlets and all of them have Indianised their fare to varying extents. The Indian pizza chain Pizza Corner also has many outlets. Barista 58. Cafe Coffee Day 59 and Java Green 60 outlets are good places to have coffee and conversations. Deli 9. 9:30AM-10:30PM. Bakery and cafe. Cakes, pastries, quiches, and puffs. 2 locations. Rs 200. 160edit Pulla Reddy Sweets . is an iconic chain of sweet shops. The outlets are found all over Hyderabad and are so popular that it has spawned imitators who copy the distinctive yellow signs and choose some variation of Reddy (a common last name in Andhra Pradesh) as the name. Almond House. Shop No. 3-6-237, Lingapur Building Himayath Nagar. 91 40 2322-6068. 61. Quality Indian sweets. 160edit Karachi Bakery. Mozamjahi Market and Road No.1 Banjara Hills. 160edit famous for biscuits. King amp Cardinal. 3-5-907, Himayathnagar X Roads, Himayathnagar. 91 40 6661 5444. Pizzas and burgers. Also serves Indian Chinese snacks. Rs100. 160edit My Cafe Latte. Plot No. 1100, Road No. 36 Jubilee Hills. 91 40 2355 3709. Coffee, mocktails and sandwiches, with Hollywood themed decor. 160edit Ofen. Plot Number 49, Road Number 10, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2337- 2205, 91 40 2337 2235. 62. 8AM-11PM. Excellent place for breads and related foods - especially for health conscious. Includes breads like whole grain breads, ragi breads and sugar free cakes. Rs 150. 160edit Pista House. 20-4-1401-8, Shalibanda Rd, Charminar. 91-93965-00786. 10AM-11PM. Famous bakery in Hyderabad world famous haleem only available in holy month of ramadan cost around Rs 150 per person. once you have it, you cant wait for the next year. 160edit Safeena Bakers. Charminar, Alijah kotla. 8AM-10PM. Baked biscuits, cakes and burgers. Has 3 outlets: 160edit Sarvi Bakers and Confectioners. Opposite Care Hospital, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6663-1113, 91 40 6663-1114. Place for sandwiches, burgers and puffs. Rs 50. 160edit The Chocolate Room. Plot no 268, Kavuri hills ( near Madhapur Police Station Crossing, Jubilee hills ), 91 40 6458-9595. 63. Wonderful drinking chocolates and crepes. Also a good place to hang out and have a conversation, though it does get crowded on weekends during the evening. Rs150. 160edit Universal Bakers. 3-6-12, Himayatnagar, Himayathnagar Paradise, Himaythnagar amp Masab Tank. 8AM-10PM. Baked biscuits, cakes and burgers. Has 3 outlets: 160edit Sreejss Home Foods. B-43, Journalist colony, Apollo Road, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. 91 40 6663 2373. 10AM-9:30PM. Nice Andhra sweets and hot items, tasty carryout curries everyday. 160edit Drink edit add listing There is plenty to do at night in Hyderabad, though local regulations have most places serving last drinks by 11PM. On weekdays, drinks in the some of the pubs have best offers, as most clubs are empty until Thursday or Friday nights, when the clubbers emerge. But the sheer number of nightlife spots makes it hard to choose which ones to list. As a general rule they tend to be clustered around Begumpet and Road No.1, Banjara Hills. Alcohol is available easily from numerous Liquor Shops, known as wine shops in local parlance, spread across the twin cities, in restaurants with bars attached (includes most upscale ones) and in pubs. WARNING: Drunken driving is not tolerated and police enforce the rule strictly. After 11PM almost all the roads have police patrols and check drunk driving. If caught you may end up paying fines, apart from vehicle being seized and couple of rounds to police station in worst scenarios. Some of the good pubs and bars are part of hotels, and they have been covered along with their hotel listing under Sleep . Pubs edit 10 Downing Street. 10, Ground Floor, My Home Tycoon Begumpet. 91 40 6662-9323, 91 40 6662 0015. 11AM-11PM. Expensive place, nice music, good crowd, but small dance floor. Rs 300-1,000. 160edit Bottles and Chimney. 1-101, Prakash Nagar, Begumpet ( near old airport ), 91 40 2776-6464, 91 40 2776 2368. 12PM-4PM, 7PM-12AM. Large spacious pub with plenty of room to dance. Plays an eclectic variety in music. Rs 100-Rs 700. 160edit Easy Rider . Lakeview Palace, Road no 1, Banjara Hills, ( opposite Taj Banjara ). 91 498 4903 2297. 11.30AM-11PM Firangi paani. City Center Vth Floor, Road No. 1 amp 10 Banjara Hills. 91 40 6668 3336. 64. 12PM-11:30PM. 160edit Sparks. My home Tycoon, Building 6-3-119221-16 Begumpet. 91 40 6662 9977. 11AM-11:30PM. Redone pub, nice hip ambience, reasonable rates. 160edit Torque (The pub). Hotel Green Park, Greenlands Begumpet. 91 40 2375 7575. 6PM-2:30AM. No cover charge, large screen TVs for sports fans, a separate smoking room, reasonable prices, good food, and nightly dance music mixed by resident and guest DJs Monday-Sunday Saturday night is ladies night (ladies drink for free 8PM-10PM). 160edit Passport. Ramada Hotel Manohar, (Old) Airport Exit Road Begumpet. 91 40 2790 3333, 91 40 5531-3333. 160edit H20 Amrutha castle, ( near lumbini garden ). Rs 150-300. Club8 . Life style building Ameer pet, cheap beer, usually have a (11) offer available before 7PM. Cloud9 . ICICI bank near old airport. Have dance floor but not a very good crowd. Hard Rock Cafe . GVK 1 Mall road No 1 Banjara Hills. Part of world wide chain. Excellent ambiance, check their website for events. Bars edit Sync - Resto Bar. Hotel Ashoka, 6-1-70, Lakdi-ka-pul. 91 9666667632, 91 40 23230105. 65. 11AM-11:00PM. 160edit Atrium Bar. Taj Deccan, Road No.1 Banjara Hills. 91 40 2339 2684, 91 40 6666 3939. 66. 11AM-11:30PM. 160edit Liquids Again. 5th Floor, ABN Amro Bank Complex, Bhaskara Plaza, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6625 9907, 91 406625-9908. 11AM-11PM. Sleek, trendy lounge bar. Rs 900. 160edit Touch. 1st Floor, Trendset Towers, Road Number 2, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2354 2433, 91 40 2354 2422, 91 40 6651 6666. 11:30AM-1130PM. Upscale, celebrity hang-out, great place but very expensive. Has a dress code, shoes mandatory Rs500. 160edit Fashion (FTV). Banjara Hills. Trendy lounge bar. 160edit Hydrate. 6-1-79 amp 80, Hampshire Plaza, Lakdi-Ka-Pul. 91 40 2333 5555. 67. Elegant bar at Hampshire Plaza. 160edit Seventh Heaven. 6-3-8835, Seventh Floor, Venkat Plaza, Punjagutta. 91 40 6666 8833, 91 40 6666-8822. 11AM-11:30PM. Nice rooftop bar and restaurant. 160edit Sleep edit add listing This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: Accommodation in Hyderabad is unlikely to bust your budget, especially when compared to cities like Mumbai or Bangalore, and rooms are usually easily available. However, because the city sprawls so much, you need to be careful about the hotel location if you want to avoid a long commute and traffic bottlenecks. Plenty of options are available with online booking facilities, with web based aggregator services like OYO rooms, Stayzilla, makemytrip, etc. providing good deals for advance bookings. Plentiful budget accommodation is to be found around the Nampally railway station and in Abids, Koti and other new city areas for a few hundred rupees a day, and tourist attractions arent very far off. However the facilities tend to be basic, the towels arent necessarily clean and air-conditioning tends to be extra. It might make sense to pay a little more and choose mid-range accommodation. The area around Hussain Sagar Lake, Begumpet, Punjagutta, Somajiguda, Banjara Hills and Lakdi-ka-Pul are close to both tourist attractions of the old city and the business areas of the new city. Hotels in Secunderabad might be slightly far for the tourist, but may still work for the business traveller. Unfortunately, hotel rooms tend to be expensive and scarce closer to Hi tec city, and commuting from any of the above areas, except perhaps Banjara Hills, is not a good option because of the traffic. Areas around Hi tec city are Madhapur, Kondapur and Gachibowli. For longer term stays, you might want to consider serviced apartments (See below) OYO Rooms. Kondapur Main Road ( Situated at a distance of 37 km from Rajiv Gandhi International Airport and 850 m from Secunderabad Railway Station. The nearest metro station is Secunderabad Metro Station (850 m) and the closest bus stop is Chilkalguda X Road Bus Stop (400 m). ), 919313931393. 68. checkin: 1200 checkout: 1200. OYO Rooms is Indias largest branded chain of hotels. Rs. 1299. 160edit Budget edit Aahwaanam. NTR Estate, Jawaharlal Nehru Road Abids ( Opp. Ramakrishna Cinema Hall ), 91 40 2474 0301, 91 40 2474 0305, 91 92 9133 3108. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24 hr. Rs 700-1,000. 160edit Aahwaanam. NTR Estate, Jawaharlal Nehru Road Abids ( Opp. Ramakrishna Cinema Hall ), 91 40 2474 0301, 91 40 2474 0305, 91 92 9133 3108. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24 hr. Basic budget hotel. Most rooms are not AC. Rs 600-1,000. 160edit Classic Lodge amp Boarding. 5-8-112 to 173, 21th Century Commercial Complex, Nampally, ( Opp. Board of Intermediate ), 914023200159, 914023200537, 918121179866, 919000005320 (infoclassiclodge. in ), 69. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24 hr. AC and non-AC Deluxe rooms amp 25 bed Dormitory Residence Hall along with multiple bathrooms, and all basic facilities available. Rs 300-1,600. 160edit Ashoka. 6-1-70, Lakdi-ka-Pul. 91 40 2323 0105, 91 40 6651 0222, 91 40 3062 0222, 91 40 6651 0220. AC and non-AC rooms. Rs 600-1,500. 160edit Dwaraka Heritage. 116, Chenoy Trade Centre, Parklane, Secunderabad. 91 40 27845020, 91 40 2789 5111. 50 rooms, basic facilities, internet Rs 600-1,100. 160edit Hotel Geetanjali. 4-1-93826A, New Marketing Complex, Abids, Tilak Road. 91 40 66635500. 70. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24 hr. AC and non-AC rooms. Budget hotel, offers room service, clean amp economical rooms and free wifi, online reservations, rated environmentally friendly, no restaurants. Close to transportation. Rs 800-1,500. ( 17.392477. 78.477294 ) 160edit Haridwar. 4-6-464, Esamiya Bazar, Koti. 91 40 2465 6711 91 40 2473 2780. 71. checkin: 24hr checkout: 24 hr. Basic functional hotel with attached vegetarian restaurant. Caters mainly to visitors from North India. Rs 300-900. 160edit Minerva. H. No. 3-6-1991, Himayatnagar. 91 40 2322-0448. Close to the Birla temple and other attractions. Good budget choice in an area where there arent many budget hotels. Rs 1,300-1,800. 160edit OYO Rooms. Kondapur Main Road. 91 9313931393. 72. checkin: 1200 checkout: 1200. OYO Rooms is Indias largest branded chain of hotels. Rs 899. 160edit Parklane. 115, Park Lane, S D Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 2784 0466, 91 40 2784 0399, 91 40 2784 0377. 30 years old and looks its age. Rooms are comfortable, with both AC and non-AC options. Breakfast is complimentary. The hotel caters mainly to senior government officials. Park Lane has a vegetarian restaurant Madhura. Rs 950-1,800. 160edit Sitara Paradise. No. 6-3-78834, Opp. Lane of Chandana Bros, Ameerpet. 91 40 2373 5222, 91 40 2373 5333, 91 40 6684 4449. 73. Small hotel, bang in the middle of the Ameerpet shopping district. Dont expect a quiet stay, but the rooms are spacious and elegant. This hotel is geared more towards weddings and celebrations, not for business travellers or tourists. Rs 1,100-1,500. 160edit Mid-range edit There are plenty of Budget hotels at Kachiguda Near Venkutramana Theater. The price generally ranges from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 1500 for Ac Rooms. Kindly bargain at the hotels to get better price. Anmol International. Opp. Public Gardens, Chapel Rd, Nampally ( Nr Sujatha Public School ), 91 40 2324 4041,91 40 2324 4042,91 40 2324 4043. 74. An adequate and comfortable hotel, located close to the Nampally railway station. Lar ge rooms, restaurant and fitness centre. Rs 2,500-3,500. 160edit Asrani International. Plot Number 179, M G Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 2784 6901, 91 40 2784 2271, 91 40 2784 2267. checkin: 24hr. Has most basic facilities youd expect from a business hotel. Located in Secunderabad, which is far from Hi-tech city, but close to the main city. Hosts a popular pub called Spanish Fly . Rs 2,500-3,500. 160edit Athithi Inn. 7-1-591, Dharam Karam Rd Ameerpet. 91 40 2373 9091. 75. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12 noon. Cozy hotel, slightly far from the city centre. Room service and laundry available. Has conference room facilities. Houses 2 restaurants. Rs 2,000-4,000. 160edit Best Western Amrutha Castle. 5-9-16, Opp. Secretariat, Saifabad. 91 40 6663 3888. 76. Designed after castles from medieval Bavarian Europe. All-suite accommodations, meeting and event space, onsite restaurants, a fitness centre and swimming pool. Close to important attractions. 160edit The Central Court. 6-1-71, Lakdi-ka-Pul. 91 98 493-23232, 91 40 2323-2323, 91 40 2323-3262. 77. Centrally located and targeted at the business traveller who needs a place to sleep. Provides complimentary internet and most other business facilities. In addition, it has a couple of reasonable restaurants. 160edit Baseraa. 1-9-167168, Sarojini Devi Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 2770-3200. 78. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12PM. If the location fits, this is an excellent choice for a good, reasonably priced hotel. It has been recently renovated, and the rooms are plush without being opulent. Free WiFi and a complimentary breakfast. Dining is available at Mehfill a restaurant with live ghazal shows every evening. It also has a coffee shop and a cricket themed pub. Rs 2,500-6,500 (extra for foreigners paying in dollars). 160edit Falcons Nest Imperia Suites. 1299F, Road no 68,Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad ( Close to Apollo Hospitals, Film Nagar, Annapurna Studios, ), 91 40 2360 0060,91 40 2360 0029 (infofalconsnest. in ), 79. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12PM. This is an excellent choice for a good, reasonably priced hotel. It has been recently renovated, and the suite rooms are luxury. Free WiFi and a complimentary breakfast. 160edit Grand Solitaire. 1-240, 41 amp 43, Parklane, Secunderabad. 91 40 4433-3999. 80. Clean and functional hotel, suitable for business travellers. Rs 3,200-4,500. 160edit Harsha. 39,Public Garden Rd, Nampally. 91 40 2320- 2729, 91 40 2320 1188, 91 40 6663 1188. 81. checkin: 24hr checkout: 24hr. Close to the railway station. Basic, but adequate facilities. Vegetarian dining available. As it is close to the main road, it is somewhat noisy. Rs 1,600-2,500 (higher rates for foreigners, payable in USS. 160edit Hotel Mandakini Jaya International. 31 amp 32 Reddy Hostel Lane, Hanuman Tekdi, Abids. 91 99 9945 5063. 82. Chic hotel located at the market area of Abids and well connected with city and other business centres. Good for both business and leisure traveller and is very close to the airport. From Rs 1,700.00. 160edit I K London Residency. 6-3-656, Kapadia Lane, Somajiguda, ( in the lane diagonally opposite NIMS ), 91 40 6662 5555, 91 40 6675 9516, 91 40 6675 9517. 83. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24hr. I K London caters to business travellers and has easy access to Punjagutta, Begumpet and the secretariat areas. Complimentary breakfast, WiFi and most other facilities youd expect from a business hotel are available. Rs 2,500-4,000. 160edit Kamat Lingapur. 1-10-442, Chikoti Gardens, Begumpet. 91 40 2776 4242. 84. checkin: noon checkout: noon. This used to be close to the airport before they moved the airport. Adequate pl ace to stay for the average traveller who isnt looking for frills. Has a pretty good restaurant Shrirang which offers vegetarian food. Free breakfast, though the menu heavily favours South Indian vegetarian. Rs 2,500-3,500. 160edit Karan. 1-2-2611, S. D. Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 4022 3344, 91 40 2784 0191. 85. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 12PM. Good mid-range business hotel in Secunderabad. Wheelchair accessible. Rs 2,500-3,500. 160edit Kasani GR. Hi-tec City Madhapur. 91 40 4040-9999. 86. Rather adequate business hotel, the advantage being that it is in Madhapur, close to Hi tec city. Rs 4,500-7,000. 160edit Leo Continental. Number 2-4-77, M G Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 4040-0400, 91 40 91 40 6633 3366. 87. Small rooms, but good facilities otherwise. Rs 2,500-6,000. 160edit Mango Hotels, Secunderabad - MG Road ( Mango Hotels ), 2-4-77, MG Road, Near to KFC, Secunderabad - 500003 Andhra Pradesh. 91 22 6150 6150,91-40-6050-0116. 88. checkin: 12:00 PM checkout: 12:00 PM. Mango Hotel is located conveniently on MG Road, close to KFC and Paradise Biryani, in a bustling industrial area of Secunderabad A kilometre away from the famous Hussain Sagar Lake Rs 2,500-5,500. ( 17.4353403. 78.4887899 ) 160edit Minerva Grand. Promoted as a Boutique Business Hotel. Rooms are elegantly furnished and provide a cozy atmosphere without pampering you too much. It has a business centre, internet in all rooms, and both locations have branches of Blue Fox . a multi-cuisine restaurant. Present in 2 locations: 160edit Minerva Grand Banjara. 8-2-616, Road No 11,Banjara Hills. 91 40 6612 7373. 89. This is a newer property. It has Stir . an all-day coffee shop. Rs 3,000-6,000. 160edit Minerva Grand S D Road. Sarojini Devi Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 6611 7373. 90. This is closer to the city centre. It has a lounge bar Enigma and Fiesta a 24 hr coffee shop. Rs 4,000-8,000. 160edit Quality Inn Residency. 5-8-2312,Public Garden Rd. 91 40 3061 6161, 91 40 2320 4080,91 40 5551 4060. 91. checkin: 24hr checkout: 24hr. Business hotel, internet, conference facilities. Venue . a vegetarian restaurant is part of the hotel, as is One Flight Down . a basement pub. The location is more suited for access to the main city rather than Hi tech city. Rs 3,300-11,000. 160edit Rukmini Riviera. 6-1-1062 ( behind Hotel Dwaraka Lakdi-ka-Pul ), 91 40 6678-5566, 91 92 4659 1237. 92. checkin: 24hr checkout: 24 hr. Basic, functional and clean hotel. 2 restaurants, one is vegetarian and the other has a bar. It is located near the city centre, at a reasonable distance from both tourist attractions and office complexes, though it is not suitable if you need access to Hi tech city. 2 banquet halls, geared more towards weddings and other celebrations. Rs 1,600-2,200. 160edit Sai Prakash. 5-4-434, Station Road, Nampally. 91 40 2461 1726. 93. Close to the airport, strictly adequate. Rs 1,500. 160edit Splurge edit Aditya Park. Aditya Trade Center, lane beside Huda Maitrivanam, Ameerpet. 91 40 6678 8888. Close to business areas, but far from tourist attractions or from Hi tech city. Free internet, and have a restaurant Promenade and a bar Harrys . Rs 4,500-6,000. 160edit Fortune Select Manohar. Old Airport Exit Road, Begumpet. 91 40 6654 3456. 94. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12PM. As the name suggests, this used to be the hotel closest to the old airport. Though it has lost that advantage now that the airport has moved, it hasnt lost the advantage of being located close to the busy commercial area of Begumpet. Free breakfast, and hi-speed internet is available, well-equipped business centre. Has good, but not great dining options. Rs 10,000-18,000. 160edit The Golkonda. 10-1-124, Masab Tank Crossroads ( opposite Polytechnic ), 91 40 6611 0101, 91 40 2332 0202, 91 40 2332-0404 (toll free: 1800 425-0202 ), 95. This is one of the few 4 star hotels in this area. Free breakfast and free internet. Has a fitness centre and a swimming pool. Suitable both for business travellers and tourists. Rs 5,000-9,000 (extra for foreigners paying in dollars). 160edit Green Park. Greenlands, Begumpet. 91 40 6651 5151. 96. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12PM. Close to the citys business areas. Rooms are well-furnished, free breakfast coffee shop, internet and access to the minibar. Once upon a time is the specialty restaurant. The Mustang Bar and Torque the pub. Rs 5,000-11,000. 160edit Hampshire Plaza. 6-1-79 amp 80, Diagonally Opposite To Amravathi Theater, Lakdi-ka-Pul. 91 40 2333 5555. 97. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12PM. Well worth a stay if the location is right. Well-appointed rooms, with WiFi and all amenities you would expect at the price. Rs 7,000-11,000. 160edit Ista Hyderabad. Road No. 2, Nanakramguda, Gachi Bowli. 91 40 4450 8888. 98. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12 noon. Centrally located in the citys new business district of Gachi Bowli. 166 rooms, suites, restaurants, meeting facilities and a spa. Rs 8,000-22,000. 160edit ITC Kakatiya. 6-3-1187, Begumpet. 91 40 2333 5555. 99. If price is no object, this is the place to stay. Located in the centre of the business district. It has 3 full-service restaurants. Deccan Pavilion is open 24 hr, and serves up a Sun brunch from 12:30PM-3PM. South Indian restaurant Dakshin and an Irish-themed pub Dublin . Rs 15,000-30,000. 160edit Marriott. has 2 properties within walking distance of each other in the Tank Bund area near Hussain Sagar Lake and the Courtyard. 160edit Marriott Hotel amp Convention Centre. opposite Hussain Sagar Lake, Tank Bund Rd. 91 40 2752-2999. 100. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12 noon. The more expensive rooms have a view of the Hussain Sagar Lake right across the street. WiFi and wired internet available in all rooms, charged extra. There are 3 restaurants and a bar, including Bidri an Indian restaurant serving Hyderabadi cuisine. Rs 7,000-16,000. 160edit Courtyard Hyderabad. 1-3-1024 Lower Tank Bund Rd. 91 40 2752 1222. 101. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12PM. Opened in December 2009. Business hotel, many rooms have a view of the lake. Rs 5,000-7,000. 160edit Novotel. 102. Novotel has 2 properties in Hyderabad. 160edit Novotel Accor. ( near Hitec City Izzatnagar Kondapur ), 91 40 6682 4422. 103. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12PM. One of few options for those who need to stay close to Hitec city. Facilities for conferences and training seminars. Many dining options, and its bar is known simply as The Bar Rs 7,000-9,000. 160edit Novotel Hyderabad Airport. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport Hyderabad. 91 40 6625 0000. 104. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12PM. In the unlikely case that you actually need to stay close to the new airport. Rs 5,000-7,000. 160edit Taj Hotels. 105. Taj, a famous Indian hotel chain has 4 iconic hotels in Hyderabad, 3 of them on the same street in Banjara Hills. 160edit Taj Banjara. Road No. 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666 2323. 106. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12 noon. Taj Banjara is located by the side of its own private lake. The lake is not very well-maintained or clean, but the rooms are. Conference facilities and good for business events. Open-air restaurant Kabab-e-bahar serves Indian BBQ. Underdeck . a basement pub. Rs 5,000-16,000. 160edit Taj Deccan. Road No. 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666 3939. 107. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12 noon. The least expensive of the 3 Taj hotels. Restaurant Spice Junxion serves fusion South Indian cuisine, with a wide variety of pickles, spiced martinis are a specialty of the restaurant. Rs 5,000-13,000. 160edit Taj Krishna. Road No. 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666 2323. 108. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12 noon. This is the closest that Hyderabad has to a grand old hotel. Taj bought a failing property and turned it into one of the premier hotels in Hyderabad. The hotel interiors are over the top, but rooms are tastefully done, though the hotels age shows in some places. Golden Dragon Chinese restaurant, Ahala the pub, conference facilities available. Rs 9,000-15,000. 160edit Taj Falaknuma Palace. Engine Bowli, Falaknuma, Hyderabad - 500053, India. 91 40 6666 2323. 109. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12 noon. This is the closest that Hyderabad has to a grand old hotel. Taj bought an erstwhile palace, the former residence of the nizam of Hyderabad and refurbished it into one of the premier and most luxurious hotels in the world. The hotel interiors are opulently designed, with large Venetian chandeliers, rare furniture, grand marble staircases and gurgling fountains, priceless statues, and objets dart, stained-glass windows, unique sketches and murals encased in ornate frames, a world-class collection of crystal as well as the Mughal, Rajasthani and Japanese gardens personally conceived by the Nizam. Adaa An indian specialty restaurant, Celeste a multi cuisine restaurant, conference facilities available. Starting from 447. 160edit Serviced apartments edit Typically, serviced apartments have tie-ups with corporate professionals and give good rates to them. Companies may hire apartments on semi-permanent basis to house even their short term visitors. Like hotels, you reserve rooms by calling or writing to the property, you follow a check-in and check-out schedule, and you dont have to pay extra for services such as housekeeping, maintenance and utilities. Serviced apartments are usually 40-50 less expensive than hotels. S-Cube xenizo Service Apartments for short and extended stays-Gachibowli. Jubileehills, Gachibowli ( near chiranjeevi blood bank at Jubilee Hills and ORR flyover bridge at Gachibowli ), 91 4032948686 (scubemyscube or Visit myscube ). AC bedrooms, Wi Fi, gym and Swimming Pool, Power Backup. 160edit Falcons Nest Service Apartments-Gachibowli ( Service Apartments in Hyderabad ), Telecom Nagar colony, Gachibowli amp Madhapur ( next to Cyberabad commissioner office and 5 mins to Inorbit Shopping mall ), 91 94 40022129 (infofalconsnest. in or Visit falconsnest. in ), 110. Service Apartments in Hyderabad close to Major IT companies, MNC with AC bedrooms, WiFi, gym and Swimming Pool, Power Backup. 1800. 160edit Studio Service Apartments-Madhapur. plot no 79,Phase 1,Kavuri hills, Madhapur amp Jubilee hills ( near to Pride Honda Showroom and 5 min walk to Ashok Hair Transplant and 5km to Apollo hospitals ), 91 98 66141982. 91 40 42024074 (sakhanfalconsnest. in or visit falconsnest. in ). AC bedrooms, WiFi and a gym. 160edit Park View Service Apartments. Road No 2, Banjara Hills amp Jubilee hills ( next to LV Prasad and 5 min walk to Cancer and 2 km to Apollo hospitals ), 91 98 4906 2708 (bookings. parkviewgmail ). AC bedrooms, WiFi and a gym. 160edit Cyber Serviced Apartments ( Serviced Apartments in Hyderabad ), Flat No160: 602, Vasantha Lotus Apartment, Vasantha Valley, White Fields, Kondapur ( opp road to Jayabheri Silicon County ), 91 93 96205656, 91 93 48205656 (cyber5656gmail ), 111. AC bedrooms, WiFi and a gym. 160edit Alcove Service Apartments Hyderabad. Road no 13A, Happy Valley ( off Road no 13, Banjara Hills ), 91 99 0057 8231 (stayalcove. co. in ), 112. Single room, AC in each room, cable TV. Independent 2-3 BHK apartment, refrigerator, microwave, washing machine in each flat, free breakfast, free WiFi. 160edit Homcourt Hyderabad Service Apartments. 1299 F, Rd No. 68, Jubilee Hills. 91 40 2360 0060 (HHreservationshomcourt. fax. 91 40 2360 0804 ), 113. AC bedrooms, WiFi and a gym. 160edit Cleopatra Serviced Apartments. Road No. 2, Banjara Hills. 91 98 8544 1999,91 99 4917 1810 (reservation. cleopatragmail ), 114. 160edit Creative Service Apartments. 91 97 0144 2227, 91 97 0144 2226. 115. Rs 1,500. 160edit Ivorysands Grand Stay. H. No. 1-11-254 amp 255, Subhasri Estate, Naik Estate, Street No 1, Begumpet ( next to old airport exit road ), 91 95 73900009. 116. Rs 1,800taxes. 160edit Begumpet ( lane beside ICICI Bank, near old airport road ), 91 95 739 0009 . Cpr Maple Court Plot No 11, Brindavan colony Durgam Cheruvu, Rd Madhapur. 91 98 8539 1679 . Navlok Serviced Apartments. 91 93 9456 8888. 117. 160edit Service Apartment Touchinn. Srinagar Colony Main Road, Near SatyaSai Nigamagamam. 91 98 4828 8481 (infotouchinn ), 118. 160edit Treats Serviced Apartments. Ameerpet amp Begumpet. 91 98 4821 2462. 119. Rs 1,500. 160edit Contact edit Post Office edit India Post120. a govt-owned enterprise, has its headquarters at Abids known as GPO. And its second biggest centre is located in Secunderabad. Landlines edit The dialing code for Hyderabad is 040. When calling from overseas, dial 91 40 XXXX XXXX. If you have a non-working phone number with only 7 digits try to add 2 in front of it. There are public booths scattered around the city. Mobile phones edit

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